How to use this Technical Report

This is the technical report for the 2023 National Travel Survey (NTS). This document contains:

  • information about the survey design

  • information on the sample selection and fieldwork, including how we responded to the Coronavirus pandemic

  • details of the data processing conducted by the survey contractor NatCen

  • explanations of the weighting methodology used within the survey

  • an extensive glossary of terms related to the survey

  • appendices containing the original letters, questionnaire, show-cards used in the interview, and tables of weighting model parameters

Where to find NTS 2023 statistical release and tables

To find the main statistical release, including data tables, notes and definitions, and background quality note, please visit the National Travel Survey 2023 page on GOV.UK.

For details of other years of the survey, please visit the main National Travel Survey page on GOV.UK.

A clean version of the NTS data is also archived with the UK Data Service, typically in the Autumn after the main publication.

How to use this bookdown file

This bookdown format has several features which we hope will be useful as you search for information about the survey.

How to open the sidebar

The sidebar on the left contains a full table of contents, as well as displays search results.

To open the sidebar, you can either:

  • press ‘S’ on your keyboard when the bookdown page is active

  • click on the button with 4 horizontal lines on the bar at the top of the page

How to change the appearance of text and the background

Click on the letter ‘A’ on the bar at the top of the page. This will give options to:

  • change between large and small text

  • change the font type between serif and sans-serif

  • change the background between ‘white’, ‘sepia’ and ‘dark mode’

Contact details

To get in contact with the National Travel Survey statistics team, please email

To hear more about DfT statistical publications as they are released, follow us on X at DfTstats.