Chapter 7 Appendix A1: Questionnaire documentation 2023

7.1 Introduction to questionnaire documentation

Questionnaire changes for the 2023 survey year are shown in appendix A2. The full text of the questionnaire is presented in appendix A3. Interviewer instructions are given in capitals and question names are in bold. For changes that occurred to the questionnaire and the travel diaries in the 2002 to 2023 survey years, the user should refer to the tables in appendix A4 and the Technical Reports for those years for full details of the changes.

Introduction to questionnaire documentation: Block routing

The NTS questionnaire comprises several distinct sections: the household questionnaire, individual questionnaire, the vehicle questionnaire, pick-up questionnaire and the Admin block. In the Blaise programme used to create the CAPI, the whole programme is created out of blocks that tend to hold related questions on a particular topic or theme. In the questionnaire documentation below, the block name is given at the beginning of each block of questions with the text ‘block name’ preceding it.

Where a block of questions is asked of a subset of the full sample, the relevant routing, known as the block routing, is also detailed. If any questions within the block apply to a narrower subset, additional routing instructions are given with the individual question. If no routing is indicated, assume there is no overall routing which applies to the whole block.

Please note that no block routing is provided for the Admin block or the Diary Entry System. Also note that the block routing is not exhaustive as there are other blocks contained within the NTS programme that do not contain any questions (and so they are not listed).

Text in ALL CAPITALS are instructions for the interviewer.

Text in square brackets, e.g. [NAME] or [your or their], indicates a text-fill whereby the CAPI program will use the correct name, word, phrase, or form of grammar for the given situation.

Here is the appearance of a question in the the ODT version of the questionnaire:

And here is how this will appear in this online version of the questionnaire, in Appendix A3:

Block name: BChTrav/QTCHTRAV.INC

Asked for each child aged 5 to 16 in turn, answered by HRP or another respondent aged 16 or over

If aged 5 to 16
I’d now like to ask a few questions about [your or the children’s] journey to and from school.

  1. Press 1 and <Enter> to continue.