Chapter 25 Appendix N: Calibration weighting control totals: interview sample

This table contains the statistical parameters of a logistic regression model used to model households that did not fully respond to the survey, that is where not every member of the household completed a seven-day travel diary. More details can be found in Chapter 5 - Weighting

Some shorthand is used in this table: [x] denotes no data present.

Calibration variables Calibration categories Beta coefficient (B) Standard error (S.E) Wald test statistic Degrees of freedom (df) Significance (Sig.) Odds ratio (Exp(B))
Region [x] [x] [x] 33.582 9 less than 0.001 [x]
Region North East [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Region North West -0.424 0.180 5.563 1 0.018 0.654
Region Yorkshire & Humberside -0.287 0.184 2.422 1 0.120 0.751
Region East Midlands -0.189 0.204 0.861 1 0.353 0.828
Region West Midlands -0.132 0.181 0.532 1 0.466 0.876
Region Eastern -0.226 0.178 1.622 1 0.203 0.797
Region Inner London -0.468 0.208 5.052 1 0.025 0.627
Region Outer London -0.062 0.197 0.099 1 0.753 0.940
Region South East 0.219 0.176 1.561 1 0.212 1.245
Region South West -0.200 0.179 1.248 1 0.264 0.819
Tenure Tenure [x] [x] 10.813 1 0.001 [x]
Tenure Not owner occupier [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Tenure Owner occupier 0.259 0.079 10.813 1 0.001 1.296
Number of adults [x] [x] [x] 5.505 3 0.138 [x]
Number of adults One [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Number of adults Two 0.020 0.126 0.025 1 0.874 1.020
Number of adults Three -0.116 0.187 0.389 1 0.533 0.890
Number of adults Four or more -0.366 0.221 2.759 1 0.097 0.693
Any married couples [x] [x] [x] 0.027 1 0.870 [x]
Any married couples No [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Any married couples Yes 0.019 0.118 0.027 1 0.870 1.020
Any cohabiting couples [x] [x] [x] 0.000 1 0.986 [x]
Any cohabiting couples No [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Any cohabiting couples Yes -0.002 0.141 0.000 1 0.986 0.998
Regular use of vehicle [x] [x] [x] 2.102 1 0.147 [x]
Regular use of vehicle Yes [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Regular use of vehicle No 0.139 0.096 2.102 1 0.147 1.149
Month [x] [x] [x] 16.374 11 0.128 [x]
Month January [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Month February -0.152 0.184 0.679 1 0.410 0.859
Month March -0.231 0.177 1.702 1 0.192 0.794
Month April -0.375 0.172 4.749 1 0.029 0.687
Month May -0.430 0.174 6.116 1 0.013 0.651
Month June -0.090 0.186 0.233 1 0.629 0.914
Month July -0.420 0.162 6.729 1 0.009 0.657
Month August -0.215 0.166 1.683 1 0.195 0.806
Month September -0.472 0.167 7.969 1 0.005 0.623
Month October -0.341 0.165 4.257 1 0.039 0.711
Month November -0.232 0.170 1.866 1 0.172 0.793
Month December -0.251 0.173 2.109 1 0.146 0.778
Age of youngest household member [x] [x] [x] 28.134 8 less than 0.001 [x]
Age of youngest household member 16 to 18 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Age of youngest household member 19 to 25 -0.137 0.153 0.802 1 0.370 0.872
Age of youngest household member 26 to 30 -0.058 0.174 0.113 1 0.737 0.943
Age of youngest household member 31 to 40 0.046 0.165 0.078 1 0.781 1.047
Age of youngest household member 41 to 50 0.220 0.181 1.475 1 0.225 1.246
Age of youngest household member 51 to 60 0.337 0.183 3.382 1 0.066 1.401
Age of youngest household member 61 to 70 0.572 0.186 9.450 1 0.002 1.771
Age of youngest household member 71 to 80 0.387 0.187 4.263 1 0.039 1.473
Age of youngest household member 80 and over 0.305 0.213 2.048 1 0.152 1.356
Ethnic groups of household members [x] [x] [x] 7.057 1 0.008 [x]
Ethnic groups of household members All white [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Ethnic groups of household members One or more not white -0.230 0.087 7.057 1 0.008 0.794
Urban rural (ru11ind) [x] [x] [x] 16.71 5 0.005 [x]
Urban rural (ru11ind) Urban - Major Conurbation [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Urban rural (ru11ind) Urban - Minor Conurbation -0.664 0.215 9.521 1 0.002 0.515
Urban rural (ru11ind) Urban - City and Town -0.129 0.110 1.373 1 0.241 0.879
Urban rural (ru11ind) Rural - Town and Fringe -0.274 0.141 3.807 1 0.051 0.760
Urban rural (ru11ind) Rural - Village -0.372 0.166 5.046 1 0.025 0.689
Urban rural (ru11ind) Rural - Hamlets and Isolated Dwellings -0.451 0.183 6.083 1 0.014 0.637
Intercept [x] 1.973 0.264 56.052 1 less than 0.001 7.191