Chapter 8 Appendix A2: Questionnaire changes made in 2023

8.1 Household interview

Block Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
BHComp QTHCOMP.INC MaritalStat Changes to both the
question and response
option wording, and a
showcard now
The question was changed to be asked explicitly (that is,
“What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership
status?”), rather than simply asking “Are you…?” and then
reading out the response options individually.

The response options were re-worded to better reflect
contemporary terminology around marital and partnership
statuses. There were two main changes made. Firstly, the
removal of the word “single” from the first answer option,
thereby making it more explicit that the response option
was about having never been married or registered in a civil
partnership, rather than about being single (as some people,
for example, may be single but separated, which would
require a different response). Secondly, there was a
re-wording of “same sex civil
partnership” to “civil partnership” only.

The response options were also re-ordered so that similar
categories were consecutive, and so that overall the
categories were listed in a more logical manner that reflects
the life cycle.

A show card was also introduced to support these changes

The version of question for 2023 is shown below:
(Asked if 16 or older (DVage greater than or equal to 16))
What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?
1. Never married and never registered in a civil partnership
2. Married
3. In a registered civil partnership
4. Separated, but still legally married
5. Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership
6. Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership
7. Divorced
8.Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
2023 No further notes

8.2 Individual interview

Block Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
BFollowUp ConsPan Updated wording Changed wording of question requested by NTAS Research
Ethics Committee. New wording clarifies that the
respondent would “normally” receive a “shopping voucher”
as a thank you for their time (rather than “generally”
receiving a “small monetary incentive”).

The version of the question for 2023 is shown below

(Ask all)
We would like to contact you again in the future to take part
in short pieces of research to help us represent the opinions
and experiences of the public on important issues that affect
us all.

If you agree, you would be invited to take part in short
surveys that could be completed online or over the phone.
You can decide at the time whether or not you want to take
part. We would normally be able to give you a shopping
voucher to thank you for your time.

Would it be okay for us to contact you as part of this

1. Yes
2. No
2023 No further notes