Chapter 18 Appendix H: Show cards

“Show cards” are a series of cards carried by the interviewers, to allow the respondent to see the possible options to a question presented. Each card is on its on leaf of paper.

At the end of this appendix is the PDF of the original show cards issued to interviewers. The accessible versions are written to be as close a match to the original as possible.

Show card 1

Question reference: QTHComp.MaritalStat

  1. Never married and never registered in a civil partnership

  2. Married

  3. In a registered civil partnership

  4. Separated, but still legally married

  5. Separated, but still legally in a civil partnership

  6. Divorced

  7. Formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved

  8. Widowed

  9. Surviving partner from a registered civil partnership

Show card 2

Question reference: QTHComp.EthGroup


  1. English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish/ British

  2. Irish

  3. Gypsy or Irish traveller

  4. Any other White background

Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups

  1. White and Black Caribbean

  2. White and Black African

  3. White and Asian

  4. Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background

Asian / Asian British

  1. Indian

  2. Pakistani

  3. Bangladeshi

  4. Chinese

  5. Any other Asian background

Black / African / Caribbean / Black British

  1. African

  2. Caribbean

  3. Any other black/ African/ Caribbean background

Other ethnic groups

  1. Arab

  2. Any other ethnic background

Show card 3

Question reference: QReligion.INC.Religion

  1. No religion

  2. Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations

  3. Buddhist

  4. Hindu

  5. Jewish

  6. Muslim

  7. Sikh

  8. Any other religion

Show card 4

Question reference: QTenure.Ten1

  1. Own outright

  2. Buying it with the help of a mortgage or loan

  3. Part own and part rent (shared ownership)

  4. Rent it(includes all those who are on Housing Benefit or Local Housing Allowance)

  5. Live here rent-free (including rent-free in relative’s/friend’s property but excluding squatters)

  6. Squatting

Show card 5

Question reference: QHDShop.OrderN

  1. Food and drink

  2. Takeaway meals

  3. Clothes or footwear

  4. Books / CDs / DVDs / software

  5. Furniture

  6. Soft furnishings/bedding

  7. Electrical appliances or items (e.g. computer / fridge / TV / kettle)

  8. Holiday/travel tickets

  9. Any other tickets (not for travel)

  10. Plants / bulbs / flowers / seeds

  11. Health goods and toiletries

  12. DIY / garden equipment

  1. Anything else

  2. None of these

Show card 6

Question reference: QHDShop.Deliv

  1. 3 or more times a week

  2. Once or twice a week

  3. Less than that but more than twice a month

  4. Once or twice a month

  5. Less than that but more than twice a year

  6. Once or twice a year

  7. Less than once a year

Show card 7

Question reference: QHDShop.Fdshp

  1. Go to shops / market in person

  2. Someone outside of the household goes to shops for me(e.g. friend, relative, carer)

  3. Order online for home delivery

  4. Order by phone for home delivery

  5. Order by post for home delivery

  1. Other

Show card 8A

Question reference: QTCHTRAV.INC.YNWkSc

  1. It takes too long

  2. It’s too far

  3. Lack of footpaths

  4. Poor street lighting

  5. Not enough crossing points

  6. Too much traffic/traffic too fast

  7. Poor pavement conditions(damaged/uneven pavements, narrow pavements, pavement parking)

  8. Too much pollution

  9. Road safety concerns

  10. Personal security concerns

  11. Health reasons

  12. The weather

  13. No one to walk with

  14. Prefer current mode of transportation

  15. Already walk enough

  16. Children are too young

  17. Parents do not allow walking to school

  18. Parents cannot accompany them

  19. No interest in walking

  1. Other reason(Please specify)

Show card 8B

Question reference: QTCHTRAV.INC.YNWkSc

  1. No interest in walking

  2. Parents cannot accompany them

  3. Parents do not allow walking to school

  4. Children are too young

  5. Already walk enough

  6. Prefer current mode of transportation

  7. No one to walk with

  8. The weather

  9. Health reasons

  10. Personal security concerns

  11. Road safety concerns

  12. Too much pollution

  13. Poor pavement conditions(damaged/uneven pavements, narrow pavements, pavement parking)

  14. Too much traffic/traffic too fast

  15. Not enough crossing points

  16. Poor street lighting

  17. Lack of footpaths

  18. It’s too far

  19. It takes too long

  1. Other reason(Please specify)

Show card 9

Question reference: QTCHTRAV.EncWkSc

  1. Safer roads (e.g. with slower speeds, less traffic, more considerate driving)

  2. Well-maintained pavements (even, clean, uncluttered, well-lit)

  3. Better provision for health needs (e.g. benches, public toilets, ramps)

  4. More / safer crossing points

  5. Provision of information on walking routes

  6. A “walking bus” (A system where recognised adults collect children at agreed points, and safely escort them to school on foot as a group)

  7. Less road noise

  1. Other (please specify)

Show card 10

Question reference: QTCHTRAV.NotAlw1

  1. Traffic danger

  2. Child might get lost / doesn’t know the way

  3. Child might not arrive (on time)

  4. Fear of assault /molestation by an adult

  1. Fear of bullying by other children

  2. School too far away

  3. Convenient to accompany child

  1. Other reason (specify)

Show card 11

Question reference: QVEHNUM.UseVcl/TypeVcl2

  1. Four-wheel car(side windows behind driver) (includes Multi-Purpose Vehicles and people carriers)

  2. Four-wheel drive passenger vehicle(side windows behind driver e.g. Land Rover, Jeep or similar)

  3. Three-wheel car(side windows behind driver)

  4. Minibus, motor caravan, dormobile etc.

  5. A light van(no side windows behind driver) (includes pickups and car-based vans)

  6. Some other type of van or lorry

  7. Motorcycle / scooter(with or without sidecar)

  8. Moped

  9. Some other motor vehicle(please say what)

Show card 12

Question reference: QTDisab.ImpCat

  1. Vision(for example,blindness or partial sight)

  2. Hearing(for example, deafness or partial hearing)

  3. Mobility(for example, walking short distances or climbing stairs)

  4. Dexterity(for example, lifting or carrying objects, using a keyboard)

  5. Learning or understanding or concentrating

  6. Memory

  7. Mental health

  8. Stamina or breathing or fatigue

  9. Socially or behaviourally(for example, associated with autism, attention deficit disorder or Asperger’s syndrome)

  10. Speech

  1. Other (Please specify)
  1. None of the above

Show card 13

Question reference: QTDisab.WhlAid

  1. Powered wheelchair

  2. Manual wheelchair

  3. Powered mobility scooter

  4. Walking sticks
  1. Other walking aid

Show card 14

Question reference: QTDisab.PowWhUse

  1. 3 or more times a week

  2. Once or twice a week

  3. Less than that but more than twice a month

  4. Once or twice a month

  5. Less than that but more than twice a year

  6. Once or twice a year

  7. Less than that or never

Show card 15

Question reference: QTDisab.Carer

  1. Keeping an eye out, ‘being there’:
    • Being available if needed
    • Making your whereabouts known so you can be contacted if needed
  2. Social support and assistance:
    • Sitting with
    • Chatting with/listening to/reading to
    • Making/receiving telephone calls to talk to them
    • Encouraging them to do things for themselves
  3. Accompanying on trips out to go:
    • Shopping
    • To hospital/GP/optician/dentist/chiropodist
    • To the park/church/restaurant
  4. Home and garden:
    • Making meals
    • Going shopping for someone
    • Washing/ironing/changing sheets
    • Cleaning/housework
    • Gardening
    • Odd jobs/maintenance
    • Lifting/carrying heavy objects
  5. Paperwork/official/financial:
    • Helping with paperwork
    • Dealing with ‘officials’ (including by phone)
    • Paying bills/rents/rates
    • Collecting pension/benefits
  6. Medical:
    • Collecting prescriptions
    • Giving medication
    • Changing dressings
  7. Moving about the home: giving help with
    • Collecting prescriptions
    • Moving from room to room
    • Getting in and out of bed
  8. Personal care: help with
    • Getting dressed
    • Feeding
    • Washing/bathing/using the toilet

Show card 16

Question reference: QTDisab.SpecTr/SpecUs

  1. Dial-a-ride service

  2. Supermarket bus

  3. Hospital car or service

  4. Day centre car or service

  5. Shared taxi scheme

  6. Taxi voucher scheme

  7. Postbus

  8. Community owned minibus

  1. Other special service (Please specify)

Show card 17

Question reference: QMethod.PrivCar/Ordbus/Coach/Train/TaxiCab/Plane/Walk

  1. At least once a day

  2. 5 or more times a week, but not every day

  3. 3 or 4 times a week

  4. Once or twice a week

  5. Less than that but more than twice a month

  6. Once or twice a month

  7. Less than that but more than twice a year

  8. Once or twice a year

  9. Less than once a year

  10. Never

Show card 18A

Question reference: QTWalk.YNWlk

  1. It takes too long

  2. It’s too far

  3. Poor pavement conditions(damaged/uneven pavements, narrow pavements, pavement parking)

  4. Lack of footpaths

  5. Poor street lighting

  6. Not enough crossing points

  7. Too much traffic/traffic too fast

  8. Too much pollution

  9. Road safety concerns

  10. Personal security concerns

  11. Ill-health reasons/too old(lack of resting places/benches, lack of public toilets, too many steps)

  12. Lack of facilities at destination to shower

  13. The weather

  14. No one to walk with

  15. Walk enough already

  16. No interest in walking

  1. Other(Please specify)

Show card 18B

Question reference: QTWalk.YNWlk

  1. No interest in walking

  2. Walk enough already

  3. No one to walk with

  4. The weather

  5. Lack of facilities at destination to shower

  6. Ill-health reasons/too old(lack of resting places/benches, lack of public toilets, too many steps)

  7. Personal security concerns

  8. Road safety concerns

  9. Too much pollution

  10. Too much traffic/traffic too fast

  11. Not enough crossing points

  12. Poor street lighting

  13. Lack of footpaths

  14. Poor pavement conditions(damaged/uneven pavements, narrow pavements, pavement parking)

  15. It’s too far

  16. It takes too long

  1. Other(Please specify)

Show card 19

Question reference: QTWalk.EncWk

  1. Safer roads(e.g. slower driving speeds, less traffic, or more considerate driving)

  2. Well-maintained pavements(even, clean, uncluttered, well-lit)

  3. Better provision for health needs(e.g. benches, public toilets, access ramps)

  4. More /safer crossing points

  5. Access to showers / changing facilities at destination

  6. Provision of information on walking routes

  7. Better maps and signposting

  8. Less road noise

  1. Other(Please specify)
  1. None of the above (SPONTANEOUS)

Show card 20

Question reference: QTCycle.Bicycle2

  1. At least once a day

  2. 5 or more times a week, but not every day

  3. 3 or 4 times a week

  4. Once or twice a week

  5. Less than that but more than twice a month

  6. Once or twice a month

  7. Less than that but more than twice a year

  8. Once or twice a year

  9. Less than once a year

  10. Never

Show card 21A

Question reference: QTCycle.YNtCy2

  1. I cannot ride a pedal cycle

  2. It takes too long

  3. It’s too far

  4. Poor quality of cycle paths

  5. Lack of cycle paths

  6. Poor street lighting

  7. Too much traffic/traffic too fast

  8. Too much pollution

  9. Road safety concerns

  10. Personal security concerns

  11. Lack of facilities at destination to shower

  12. Lack of facilities to store the pedal cycle

  13. Ill-health reasons

  14. Too old

  15. The weather

  16. Bike or cycle broken/don’t own a pedal cycle

  17. I can cycle/ride a pedal cycle, but I’m not confident doing so

  18. Cycling enough already

  19. No interest in cycling

  1. Don’t know about accessible cycling options/can’t access accessible cycling

  2. Other (Please specify)

Show card 21B

Question reference: QTCycle.YNtCy2

  1. No interest in cycling

  2. Cycling enough already

  3. I can cycle/ride a pedal cycle, but I’m not confident doing so

  4. Bike or cycle broken/don’t own a pedal cycle

  5. The weather

  6. Too old

  7. Ill-health reasons

  8. Lack of facilities to store the pedal cycle

  9. Lack of facilities at destination to shower

  10. Personal security concerns

  11. Road safety concerns

  12. Too much pollution

  13. Too much traffic/traffic too fast

  14. Poor street lighting

  15. Lack of cycle paths

  16. Poor quality of cycle paths

  17. It’s too far

  18. It takes too long

  19. I cannot ride a pedal cycle
  1. Don’t know about accessible cycling options/can’t access accessible cycling

  2. Other (Please specify)

Show card 22

Question reference: QTCycle.EncCyc

  1. Safer roads(e.g. slower driving speeds, less traffic, or more considerate driving)

  2. Off-road and segregated cycle paths

  3. Safe cycle lanes

  4. Promotion of local cycling routes

  5. Secure storage / parking provision at home / work / stations / on-street

  6. Access to showers / changing facilities at work

  7. Well-maintained road surfaces for cycling

  8. Better signposting of safer cycle routes

  9. Training to help me learn to cycle or increase my confidence in cycling

  10. Cycle maintenance courses

  11. Better cycle hire facilities

  1. Other(Please specify)

  1. None of the above (SPONTANEOUS)

Show card 23A

Question reference: QTDrLic.ResNdNa/ResNdNb, ResNDNaM/ResNDNbM

  1. Family or friends can drive me when necessary

  2. Other forms of transport available

  3. Cost of learning to drive

  4. Cost of insurance

  5. Cost of buying a car

  6. Other general motoring costs

  7. Environmental reasons

  8. Safety concerns/Nervous about driving

  9. Physical difficulties/disabilities/health problems

  10. Too old

  11. Too busy to learn

  12. Put off by theory/practical driving test

  13. Not interested in driving

  14. Busy/congested roads

  1. Other

Show card 23B

Question reference: QTDrLic.ResNdNa/ResNdNb, ResNDNaM/ResNDNbM

  1. Busy/congested roads

  2. Not interested in driving

  3. Put off by theory/practical driving test

  4. Too busy to learn

  5. Too old

  6. Physical difficulties/disabilities/health problems

  7. Safety concerns/Nervous about driving

  8. Environmental reasons

  9. Other general motoring costs

  10. Cost of buying a car

  11. Cost of insurance

  12. Cost of learning to drive

  13. Other forms of transport available

  14. Family or friends can drive me when necessary

  1. Other

Show card 24

Question reference: QTDrLic.PHVFreq

  1. At least once a day

  2. 5 or more times a week, but not every day

  3. 3 or 4 times a week

  4. Once or twice a week

  5. Less than that but more than twice a month

  6. Once or twice a month

  7. Less than that but more than twice a year

  8. Once or twice a year

  9. Less than once a year

  10. Never

Show card 25

Question reference: QTIntUse.IntUse

  1. Several times a day

  2. Once or twice a day

  3. Several times a week

  4. Several times a month

  5. Less often

  6. Never

Show card 26

Question reference: QTIntUse.InTrSer

  1. Planning a journey in advance

  2. Accessing real-time journey information while on the move

  3. Purchasing mainline train tickets

  4. Purchasing tube, tram, metro or London overground train tickets, or topping up travel cards

  5. Purchasing ferry tickets

  6. Purchasing coach/bus tickets

  7. Purchasing airline tickets

  8. Online check-in for flights

  9. Using online administrative transport services(for example, taxing a car, renewing a driving licence or applying for a disabled parking badge)

  10. Booking taxis or private hire vehicles via a website or an app

  11. Booking car parking either in advance, or at the time of parking

  12. Hiring a car

  13. None of the above

  1. Other(Please specify)

Show card 27

Question reference:QAttitude.SRNRdSat

Motorways and major A roads in England

Show card 28

Question reference: QTILO.EdAttn4

  1. Higher degree or postgraduate qualifications(e.g. M.A., MSc., M.Ed, Ph.D. etc)

  2. First degree level qualification degree, or degree level equivalent(e.g. BA; BSc)including foundation degrees; such as PGCE

  3. Diploma in higher education; HNC; HND; Nursing or Teaching qualification(excluding PGCE)

  4. A level; AS level; NVQ level 3; GNVQ Advanced; or equivalent

  5. GCSE grade A* - C / 4 - 9; O level; CSE grade 1; NVQ level 2; GNVQ intermediate; or equivalent

  6. GCSE grade D – G / 1 - 3; CSE below grade 1; NVQ level 1; GNVQ Foundation level; or equivalent

  7. None of these (SPONTANEOUS ONLY)

Show card 29

Question reference: QTILO.HowLong

  1. Not yet started

  2. Less than 1month

  3. 1 month but less than 3 months

  4. 3 months but less than 6 months

  5. 6 months but less than 12 months

  6. 12 months or more

Show card 30

Question reference: BMainJb.OcSect

  1. Private sector firm or company(including limited companies and PLCs)

  2. Nationalised industry or public corporation(including the Post Office and the BBC)

  3. Other public sector employer(including for example Central Government/Civil Service/Government Agencies, Local Authority/Local Education Authority, Universities, Health Authority, NHS Hospitals/NHS Hospitals/NHS Trusts/GP surgeries, Police/Armed Forces, Fire service)

  4. Charity /Voluntary sector(including charitable companies, churches, trade unions)

  5. Other(specify)

Show card 31

Question reference: BMainJb.OcPubSect

  1. Central Government/Civil Service/Government Agencies

  2. Local Authority

  3. Local Education Authority/School

  4. Universities

  5. Health Governing Organisations(for example Department of Health, NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Bodies and other Arm’s-Length Bodies such as NHS digital, Health Education England and NHS improvement)

  6. NHS Trusts or Foundation Trusts

  7. Primary care(including GP surgeries)

  8. Social or residential care

  9. Police

  10. Armed Forces

  11. Other

Show card 32

Question reference: QTIncme.Incme

  • Earned income / Salary

  • Income from self-employment

  • Pension (state, private or from former employer)

  • Pension Credit (formerly Minimum Income Guarantee)

  • Child Benefit

  • Working Tax Credit (formerly Disabled Persons or Working Families Tax Credit)

  • Child Tax Credit

  • Disability Living Allowance

  • Other state benefits e.g.
    • Jobseeker’s Allowance

    • Housing Benefit

    • Council Tax Benefit

    • Incapacity Benefit or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)Maternity Allowance/Statutory Maternity Pay

    • Attendance Allowance

    • Carers Allowance (formerly Invalid Care Allowance)

    • Any widow/widowers allowance Universal credit

  • Interest from savings, building society, investments etc.

  • Other regular allowances (e.g. maintenance from former partner, annuity, student grant, bursaries,scholarships etc)

  • Other sources

Show card 33

Question reference: QTIncme.IncGrp, HIncGrp

Per Week Per Month Per Year
J Less than £19 Less than £83 Less than £1,000
Q £19 to £38 £84 to £167 £1,000 to £1,999
U £39 to £57 £168 to £250 £2,000 to £2,999
A £58 to £76 £251 to £333 £3,000 to £3,999
H £77 to £95 £334 to £417 £4,000 to £4,999
N £96 to £115 £418 to £500 £5,000 to £5,999
L £116 to £134 £501 to £583 £6,000 to £6,999
V £135 to £153 £584 to £667 £7,000 to £7,999
C £154 to £172 £668 to £750 £8,000 to £8,999
S £173 to £191 £751 to £833 £9,000 to £9,999
W £192 to £239 £834 to £1,042 £10,000 to £12,499
D £240 to £287 £1,043 to £1,250 £12,500 to £14,999
R £288 to £335 £1,251 to £1,458 £15,000 to £17,499
E £336 to £383 £1,459 to £1,667 £17,500 to £19,999
T £384 to £479 £1,668 to £2,083 £20,000 to £24,999
B £480 to £575 £2,084 to £2,500 £25,000 to £29,999
F £576 to £671 £2,501 to £2,917 £30,000 to £34,999
G £672 to £767 £2,918 to £3,333 £35,000 to £39,999
I £768 to £959 £3,334 to £4,167 £40,000 to £49,999
P £960 to £1,150 £4,168 to £5,000 £50,000 to £59,999
O £1,151 to £1,342 £ 5,001 to £5,833 £60,000 to £69,999
M £1,343 to £1,439 £5,834 to £6,250 £70,000 to £74,999
Z £1,440 to £1,920 £6,251 to £8,333 £75,000 to £99,999
X £1,921 to £2,399 £8,334 to £10,416 £100,000 to £124,999
Y £2,400 to £2,879 £10,417 to £12,500 £125,000 to £149,999
K £2,880 or more £12,501 or more £150,000 or more

Show card 34

Question reference: QTWrkMeth.WkRoad

  1. Motorway

  2. Dual carriageway

  3. Other major roads (other A roads)

  4. Local road in a city or town (including B roads)

  5. Local road outside a city or town (including B roads)

  1. Other(please specify)

Show card 35

Question reference: QTWrkMeth.WkLift, QTWrkHome.OftHome

  1. 3 or more times a week

  2. Once or twice a week

  3. Less than that but more than twice a month

  4. Once or twice a month

  5. Less than that but more than twice a year

  6. Once or twice a year

  7. Less than that or never

Show card 36

Question reference: QTWrkMeth.ParkWrK

  1. On the street

  2. On a driveway

  3. In a garage

  4. In a park-and-ride car park

  5. In another public car park

  6. In a firm/work’s car park

  7. In another private car park


Show card 37

Question reference: QTWrkDiff.CarW

  1. No, no difficulties

  2. Too far

  3. Car not available

  4. Don’t have a current driving licence/can’t drive

  5. Cost of petrol

  6. Lack of parking facilities

  7. Cost of parking

  8. Traffic congestion/roadworks

  9. Inadequate public transport

  10. Cost of using public transport

  11. Personal physical health condition or illness

  12. Personal safety concerns

  13. Other (specify)

Show card 38

Question reference: QTWrkDiff.CarsEas

  1. Very easy

  2. Fairly easy

  3. Neither easy nor difficult

  4. Quite difficult

  5. Very difficult

Show card 39

Question reference: QTDemTr.OthdifN

  1. Travelling to the doctors surgery

  2. Travelling to the hospital

  3. Visiting friends / relatives at their home

  4. Travelling to other social activities, including taking children

  5. Taking the children to school

  6. Travelling to school / college / university

  7. Travelling for any other reason (please say what)

  8. No difficulties with any of these

  1. Other (specify)

Show card 40

Question reference: QAccid.Cut1

  1. Deep penetrating wound

  2. Deep cuts /lacerations

  3. Shallow cuts / lacerations / abrasions

Show card 41

Question reference: QAccid.Broken1

  1. Broken neck or back

  2. Fractured pelvis or upper leg

  3. Fractured lower leg / ankle / foot

  4. Fractured arm / collarbone / hand

  5. Other fractured or broken bone

  1. Don’t know

  2. Refused

Show card 42

Question reference: QAccid.Medical2

  1. Medical assistance received at the roadside

  2. At GP surgery

  3. At a minor injuries / accident unit

  4. At Accident and Emergency

  5. As an inpatient in hospital (at least one night spent on a hospital ward)

  6. Something else (Please specify)

Show card 43

Question reference: QAccid.OthVeh

  1. No, no other vehicles / pedestrians were involved

  2. Yes, a car

  3. Yes, a pedal cycle

  4. Yes, a motorcycle

  5. Yes, a pedestrian

  1. Yes, another type of vehicle

Show card 44

Question reference: QAccid.Police

  1. Yes – they attended because I called them

  2. Yes – they attended as a result of someone else calling them

  3. Yes – they were there when it happened / they drove past just after the accident occurred

  4. Yes – they were automatically alerted by a vehicle with an automated emergency call function, known as e-Call

  5. No

Show card 45

Question reference: QNOTICK.StckT

  1. Yes

  2. No

Show card 46

Question reference: QTicket.YrNum

  1. More than 12 times per year / once a month

  2. Up to 12 times per year / once a month

  3. Three or four times a year

  4. Once or twice a year

  5. Less than once a year or never

Show card 47

Question reference: QVehInt.FuelTyp

  1. Petrol

  2. Diesel

  3. Electric/Battery only

  4. Hybrid

  5. Plug-in hybrid

  6. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

  7. Bi-fuel (combination of two fuels)
  1. Other

Show card 48

Question reference: QVMake.SimReg, WhatNum, Letter

  1. AB12CDE

  2. A123CDE,A12BCD,A1BCD

  3. ABC 123D, ABC 12D, ABC 1A

Show card 49

Question reference: QVMake.Lookreg/RegYear/RegMo

Letter after number

Jan to July Aug to Dec
1963 A A
1964 B B
1965 C C
1966 D D
1967 E F
1968 F G
1969 G H
1970 H J
1971 J K
1972 K L
1973 L M
1974 M N
1975 N P
1976 P R
1977 R S
1978 S T
1979 T V
1980 V W
1981 W X
1982 X Y
1983 Y

Letter before number

Jan to July Aug to Dec
1983 A
1984 A B
1985 B C
1986 C D
1987 D E
1988 E F
1989 F G
1990 G H
1991 H J
1992 J K
1993 K L
1994 L M
1995 M N
1996 N P
1997 P R
1998 R

Biannual change (letter before number) (Aug to Dec)

Jan to Feb March to Aug Sep to Dec
1998 S*
1999 S T V
2000 V W X
2001 X Y

Biannual change (age identifier)

Jan to Feb March to Aug Sep to Dec
2001 51
2002 51 02 52
2003 52 03 53
2004 53 04 54
2005 54 05 55
2006 55 06 56
2007 56 07 57
2008 57 08 58
2009 58 09 59
2010 59 10 60
2011 60 11 61
2012 61 12 62
2013 62 13 63
2014 63 14 64
2015 64 15 65
2016 65 16 66
2017 66 17 67
2018 67 18 68
2019 68 19 69
2020 69 20 70
2021 70 21 71
2022 71 22 72

Show card 50

Question reference:QEngFTS.BenSize

  1. Up to 50cc

  2. 51 to 125cc

  3. 126 to 250cc

  4. 251 to 700cc

  5. 701 to 1000cc (0.7 to 1 litre)

  6. 1001 to 1300cc (1.0 to 1.3 litres)

  7. 1301 to 1400cc (1.3 to 1.4 litres)

  8. 1401 to 1500cc (1.4 to 1.5 litres)

  9. 1501 to 1800cc (1.5 to 1.8 litres)

  10. 1801 to 2000cc (1.8 to 2.0 litres)

  11. 2001 to 2500cc (2.0 to 2.5 litres)

  12. 2501 to3000cc (2.5 to 3.0 litres)

  13. 3001cc and over (3 litres and over)

Show card 51

Question reference:QMileage.BAnMiles

  1. 0–499 miles

  2. 500–999 miles

  3. 1,000–1,999 miles

  4. 2,000–2,999 miles

  5. 3,000–3,999 miles

  6. 4,000–4,999 miles

  7. 5,000–6,999 miles

  8. 7,000–8,999 miles

  9. 9,000–11,999 miles

  10. 12,000–14,999 miles

  11. 15,000–17,999 miles

  12. 18,000–20,999 miles

  13. 21,000–29,999 miles

  14. 30,000 miles and over

Show card AA

  1. Season ticket

  2. Area travel card

  3. Combined season ticket / area travel card

  4. Railcard (e.g. family, youngperson’s, senior citizen’s, Network Card)

  5. Employee’s special pass

  6. Other Commercial ticket

  7. Passes for older people

  8. Scholar’s pass

  9. Disabled person’s pass

  10. Subsidised travel tokens

  11. Any other special ticket or pass

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