Chapter 19 Appendix I1: Face-to-face thank you letter

A thank you letter is available in two forms, posted and face-to-face. This appendix presents the letter which can be given personally by the interviewer when they come to collect and check the travel diaries.

At the end of this appendix is a PDF of the face-to-face thank you letter template.

19.1 Accessible text version

John Wilkins
Department for Transport

Web Site:

Dear [space for interviewer to write respondent’s name]

Thank you
Thank you for taking part in the National Travel Survey.

We really appreciate the time you have taken to share your answers with us. We hope you found the survey interesting and enjoyable.

What happens with the results?
The information you have supplied will form part of a crucial source of data for the Department for Transport. We will use the findings to help make decisions about travel services across the country.The findings from the survey will also be used extensively by academics, charities and public interest groups both here in the UK and throughout the world to understand more about how and why people travel in this country.

To find out more about the survey
You can find out more about the National Travel Survey and read the latest findings on the GOV.UK website here:

Once again, thank you for your support.

[J Wilkins’ signature]

John Wilkins
Travel and Environment Data and Statistics (TRENDS) Division
Department for Transport

19.2 Embedded PDF of the original face-to-face thank you letter