Chapter 16 Appendix F: Memory jogger

The “Memory Jogger” is a small booklet designed to be carried by the person completing the travel diary, so that they can quickly jot down trips made during the day.

At the end of this appendix is a PDF of a scanned memory jogger.

16.1 Accessible text version

Cover Page

National Travel Survey

In confidence

Memory jogger of [space for interviewer to write the person’s name]
Start day [space for interviewer to write the day and date]
Finish day [space for interviewer to write the day and date]

Pages 2 and 3

Day 1

1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

[Days of the week to be circled to correspond to the correct day of the travel week]

Include all journeys by transport (bus, train, car, bike etc). On this first day include ALL WALKS (even if they are less than 1 mile)

1 Where did you go and purpose of your journey? When did you leave? When did you arrive? How far? Any other information? e.g. details of tickets and costs (excluding petrol)
2 [blank] AM

(Note: the full table includes 12 blank rows for the participant to make notes; the tables is spread across the two pages such that the first 3 columns are shown on Page 2, and the final two columns are shown on Page 3)

Pages 4 through 15

(Note: Pages 4 to 15 replicate the content of Pages 2 and 3, but instead headed with Day 2, Day 3, etc. for the full travel week up to Day 7)

Back cover page

Area [space for interviewer to write area number]
Address [space for interviewer to write address number]
Household [space for interviewer to write household number]
Per. No. [space for interviewer to write person number]

National Centre for Social Research
Unit 15, Ashton Gate
Ashton Road

01277 200600 or 0800 652 4568

A Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 4392418
A Charity In England and Wales (1091768) and Scotland (SC038454)
Information Classification Level 3 – Respondent – Confidential

Thank you very much

16.2 Embedded PDF of the original memory jogger