Chapter 10 Appendix A4: All questionnaire changes since 2002

NB: Unless otherwise stated, questions have been included since 2002 NB: Unless otherwise stated, questions are asked all years.

10.1 Household questionnaire

10.1.1 Introductory questions

Block name: BSignin/ QSIGNIN.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Summary Summary of interview sections Added 2003 No further notes
Summary Summary of interview sections Additional interviewer instruction May to Oct 2009 No further notes
InSample1 Reminder of structure of incentive option 1 Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
InSample2 Reminder of structure of incentive option 2 Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
InSample3 Reminder of structure of incentive option 3 Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
Whohere Intro to demographics Helpscreen text about added 2009 No further notes
FirstQ Whether first time opened questionnaire Additional interviewer instruction May to Oct 2009 No further notes

Block name: BBNames/ QNAMES.HAR

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Name Record names of household members Amend definition of a household 2014 No further notes

10.1.2 Demographics

Block name: BHComp / QTHCOMP.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Birth Date of birth Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
Marstat Marital Status Interviewer note added 2007 No further notes
Marstat Marital Status Deleted 2009 Replaced with MarstatN
MarstatN Marital Status Added 2009 No further notes
MarstatN Marital Status Deleted 2013 Replaced with MaritalStat
MaritalStat Marital Status Added 2013 No further notes
MaritalStat Marital Status Updated wording of question and response options, and a show card added 2023 No further notes
Livewith Whether live with someone in house as couple Routing change: also asked if MarstatN is “Civil Partnership” 2009 No further notes
Livewith Whether live with someone in house as couple Deleted 2013 Replaced with LiveWithN
LiveWithN Whether live with someone in house as couple Added 2013 No further notes
Nation Nationality Added 2009 No further notes
Nation Nationality Deleted 2010 No further notes
xNation Other Nationality Added 2009 No further notes
xNation Other Nationality Deleted 2010 No further notes
COB Country of birth Added 2010 No further notes
XCOB Other country of birth Added 2010 No further notes
Hhldr In whose name is accommodation owned or rented Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
Hhldr In whose name is accommodation owned or rented Moved to after ethnicity questions 2009 No further notes
EthGroup Ethnicity Change in location: now after LiveWith 2009 No further notes
EthGroup Ethnicity Answer categories changed, textfills added for England, Scotland and Wales 2011 No further notes
EthGroup Ethnicity Remove textfills for Scotland and Wales at answer category 1 and show card reference 2014 No further notes
EthGroup Ethnicity Question wording changed 2018 No further notes
EthGroup Ethnicity Minor change to category headings 2022 No further notes
OthWht Other white ethnicity Change in location: now after LiveWith 2009 No further notes
OthMxd Other mixed ethnicity Change in location: now after LiveWith 2009 No further notes
OthAsn Other Asian ethnicity Change in location: now after LiveWith 2009 No further notes
OthBlk Other Black ethnicity Change in location: now after LiveWith 2009 No further notes
OthEthn Other ethnicity Change in location: now after LiveWith 2009 No further notes
HHIndQn Face to face, proxy or respondent not available Added 2017 No further notes
HHIndQn Face to face, proxy or respondent not available Question wording and answer categories updated to include in-home and telephone interviews 2021 No further notes
HiHNum Household member with highest income Question wording changed 2018 No further notes

Block name: BHRels/ QTHrels.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
R Summary of relationships between each household member Answer category added: “Civil partnership” 2009 No further notes
R Summary of relationships between each household member No further notes 2013 Replaced with Relation
Relation Summary of relationships between each household member Added 2013 No further notes
BHRels Marital status Soft check for marital status/cohabitees being of opposite sex only removed 2016 No further notes

Block name: BSpOut/ QSpOut.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
SpOut Married but no spouse in household Answer category changed 2013 No further notes

Block name: BReligion/ QReligion.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Religion Religion Added 2022 No further notes

10.1.3 Accommodation

Block name: BAccom / QAccom.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Accom Type of accommodation

Interviewer instruction changed
Categories 2 and 3 changed
Helpscreen changed
2013 No further notes
Accom Type of accommodation
Minor change to wording

2018 No further notes
Accom Type of accommodation
Asked every four years

2020 No further notes
HseType Type of house
Minor changes to wording 2018 No further notes
HseType Type of house

Asked every four years
2020 No further notes
FltT yp Type of flat Deleted 2013 Replaced with FltTypN
FltT ypN Type of flat
Added 2013 No further notes
FltT ypN Type of flat
Asked every four years
2020 No further notes
AccOth Type of other kind of accommodation
Asked every four years
2020 No further notes

Block name: BTenure / QTenure.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Housing tenure
Question wording and categories changed
New helpscreen
2013 No further notes
Housing tenure
Minor changes to wording
Change to harmonised questions
2018 No further notes
Landlord Type of landlord Added 2017 No further notes
Landlord Type of landlord Deleted 2018 No further notes

Block name: BResLen/ QReslen.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
HLong Time at current address Deleted 2018 Repaced with HLongA
HLongA Time at current address

New variables with some minor word changes to HLong. 2018 No further notes
HLongA Time at current address
Asked every four years 2020 No further notes
YMove Why moved from last address Deleted 2005 No further notes
OthYMove Other reasons for move Deleted 2005 No further notes
YMoveM Main reason why moved Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
YMoveM Main reason why moved Deleted 2005 No further notes
OthYMovM Other main reason for move Deleted 2005 No further notes
How important was public transport when moved to this address Deleted 2005 No further notes
OldAdd How far away old address is Deleted 2009 No further notes
Online Whether has internet Added 2009 No further notes
Online Whether has internet Deleted 2013 No further notes
OnlineN Whether has internet Added 2013 No further notes

Block name: BHDShop / QHDShop.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
FdFreq How often main food shopper goes to buy food or drink Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes
How the main food shopper normally travels Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes
XTravSh If other mode of travelling to do shopping
Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes
TrShFo Reasons for main food shopper walking Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes
TrShFo Other reasons for main food shopper walking Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes
TrShBi Reasons for main food shopper cycling Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes
TrShBiO Other reasons for main shopper cycling Question removed from survey 2020 No further notes

10.1.4 Local transport services

Block name: BLocServ / QLOCSERV.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Servintr Introduction to local services section Delete 2013 No further notes
NearBus Walking time to nearest bus stop. Extra Interviewer instruction added 2005 No further notes
NearBus Walking time to nearest bus stop. Delete 2013 No further notes
NearBand Banded walking time to nearest bus stop Delete 2013 No further notes
GetBus Frequency of buses Delete 2013 No further notes
NearSta Walking time to railway station Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
NearSta Walking time to railway station Question wording changed 2005 No further notes
NearSta Walking time to railway station Delete 2013 No further notes
BanRail Banded walking time to railway station Delete 2013 No further notes
BusSta Bus journey time to railway station Delete 2013 No further notes
BanBus Banded time taken to get to railway station by bus Extra Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
BanBus Banded time taken to get to railway station by bus Delete 2013 No further notes
DescTa Station services Delete 2013 No further notes
ClosSta Tube, metro, light rail or tram closer than railway station Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
ClosSta Tube, metro, light rail or tram closer than railway station Helpnote altered 2005 No further notes
ClosSta Tube, metro, light rail or tram closer than railway station Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
ClosSta Tube, metro, light rail or tram closer than railway station Answer category added 2009 No further notes
ClosSta Tube, metro, light rail or tram closer than railway station Delete 2013 Textfill now from ClosRail
NearTube Walking time to nearest tube/metro/light rail etc Delete 2013 No further notes
BanTube Banded walking time to nearest tube/metro/light rail etc Delete 2013 No further notes
BusTube Bus journey time to nearest tube/metro/light rail etc Delete 2013 No further notes
BanTBus Banded bus journey time to tube, metro, light rail or tram Extra Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
BanTBus Banded bus journey time to tube, metro, light rail or tram Delete 2013 No further notes

10.1.5 Accessibility of services

From 2009 to 2012 households were randomly assigned to two sub-groups. Subsample A were asked attitudes to local services questions and subsample B were asked accessibility of services questions. In 2013 questions on accessibility of services were deleted and the local services questions were asked of all households.

Block name: BAmenity/QAmenity.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
DocWalk How long to Doctors on foot Asked of Module A only Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
DocWalk How long to Doctors on foot Asked of Module A only Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGP
BanDoc Approximately how long to doctors on foot Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
BanDoc Approximately how long to doctors on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGPK
POWalk How long to post office on foot Asked of Module B only Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
POWalk How long to post office on foot Asked of Module B only Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccPO
BanPO Approximately how long to post office on foot Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
BanPO Approximately how long to post office on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccPODK
ChemWalk How long to chemists on foot Asked of Module A only Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
ChemWalk How long to chemists on foot Asked of Module A only Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccChm
BanChem Approximately how long to chemists on foot Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
BanChem Approximately how long to chemists on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccChmK
GrocWalk How long to Grocery shop on foot Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
GrocWalk How long to Grocery shop on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGro
BanGroc Approximately how long to Grocery shop on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGroK
SCenWalk How long to Shopping centre on foot
Asked of Module B only
Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccShC
BanSCen Approximately how long to Shopping centre on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccShCDK
HospWalk How long to hospital on foot Asked of Module A only Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
HospWalk How long to hospital on foot Asked of Module A only Deleted 2005 Replaced with Acchosp
BanHosp Approximately how long to hospital on foot Deleted 2005 Replaced with AcchosK
IntroB Intro to distance to amenities by bus questions Deleted 2005 No further notes
DocBus How long to doctors by bus Asked of Module A only Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGP
BanDocB Approximately how long to doctors by bus Interviewer instruction about codes 6 and 7 added 2003 No further notes
BanDocB Approximately how long to doctors by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGPK
POBus How long to PO by bus
Asked of Module B only
Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccPO
BanPOB Approximately how long to PO by bus Interviewer instruction about codes 6 and 7 added 2003 No further notes
BanPOB Approximately how long to PO by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccPODK
ChemBus How long to chemist by bus Asked of Module A only Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccChm
BanChemB Approximately how long to chemist by bus Interviewer instruction about codes 6 and 7 added 2003 No further notes
BanChemB Approximately how long to chemist by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccChmK
GrocBus How long to grocery shop by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGroc
BanGrocB Approximately how long to grocery shop by bus Interviewer instruction about codes 6 and 7 added 2003 No further notes
BanGrocB Approximately how long to grocery shop by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccGroK
ScenBus How long to shopping centre by bus
Asked of Module B only
Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccShC
BanSCenB Approximately how long to shopping centre by bus Interviewer instruction about codes 6 and 7 added 2003 No further notes
BanSCenB Approximately how long to shopping centre by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AccShCDK
HospBus How long to hospital by bus Asked of Module A only Deleted 2005 Replaced with Acchosp
BanHospB Approximately how long to hospital by bus Interviewer instruction about codes 6 and 7 added 2003 No further notes
BanHospB Approximately how long to hospital by bus Deleted 2005 Replaced with AcchosK
IntroA Intro to accessibility questions Question text changed from reference to walking to reference to quickest route. 2005 No further notes
IntroA Intro to accessibility questions Question text changed to refer to walking or public transport, whichever is the quickest. 2009 No further notes
IntroA Intro to accessibility questions Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
IntroA Intro to accessibility questions Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccSch to AccPODK How long to get to various local amenities Change in order of questions:
Previously: GP, Chemist, Hospital, Shopping Centre, Grocery shop, PO, Primary School, Secondary school, FE college.
New: Shopping centre, Grocery shop, GP, Hospital, Primary school, Secondary school, FE college, Chemist, PO
2009 No further notes
AccShC How long to get to Shopping Centre Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccShC How long to get to Shopping Centre Definition of Shopping Centre added. 2006 No further notes
AccShC How long to get to Shopping Centre Routing changed to module B only 2008 No further notes
AccShC How long to get to Shopping Centre Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccShC How long to get to Shopping Centre Added definition of Shopping Centre 2009 No further notes
AccShC How long to get to Shopping Centre Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccShcDK Approximate time to get to Shopping centre Added : Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccShcDK Approximate time to get to Shopping centre Routing changed to module B only 2008 No further notes
AccShcDK Approximate time to get to Shopping centre Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccShcDK Approximate time to get to Shopping centre Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccGro How long to get to Grocery Shop Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccGro How long to get to Grocery Shop Interviewer Instruction added: ‘By groceries we mean daily food items such as bread, milk, tea, coffee, tinned goods etc’ 2009 No further notes
AccGro How long to get to Grocery Shop Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccGro How long to get to Grocery Shop Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccGroDK Approximate time to get to Grocery Shop Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccGroDK Approximate time to get to Grocery Shop Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccGroDK Approximate time to get to Grocery Shop Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccGP How long to get to GP Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccGP How long to get to GP Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccGP How long to get to GP Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccGPDK Approximate time to get to GP Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccGPDK Approximate time to get to GP Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccGPDK Approximate time to get to GP Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccHosp How long to get to Hospital Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccHosp How long to get to Hospital Routing changed to module B only 2008 No further notes
AccHosp How long to get to Hospital Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccHosp How long to get to Hospital Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccHosDK Approximate time to get to Hospital Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccHosDK Approximate time to get to Hospital Routing changed to module B only 2008 No further notes
AccHosDK Approximate time to get to Hospital Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccHosDK Approximate time to get to Hospital Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccPM How long to get to primary school Added: Module A and B. 2005 No further notes
AccPM How long to get to primary school Routing changed to Module B only. 2008 No further notes
AccPM How long to get to primary school Routing changed to if there is a child aged 5 to 10 at 31 August 2009 No further notes
AccPM How long to get to primary school Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccPM How long to get to primary school Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccPMDK How long to get Primary School Added: Modules A and B. 2005 No further notes
AccPMDK How long to get Primary School Routing changed to Module B only. 2008 No further notes
AccPMDK How long to get Primary School Routing changed to if there is a child aged 5 to 10 at 31 August 2009 No further notes
AccPMDK How long to get Primary School Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccPMDK How long to get Primary School Deleted 2013 No further notes
Accsec How long to secondary school Added: Modules A and B 2005 No further notes
Accsec How long to secondary school Routing changed to Module B only 2008 No further notes
Accsec How long to secondary school Routing changed to if there is a child aged 11 to 15 at 31 August 2009 No further notes
Accsec How long to secondary school Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
Accsec How long to secondary school Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccsecDK Approximate time to get to Secondary school Added: Modules A and B 2005 No further notes
AccsecDK Approximate time to get to Secondary school Routing changed to Module B only 2008 No further notes
AccsecDK Approximate time to get to Secondary school Routing changed to if there is a child aged 11 to 15 at 31 August 2009 No further notes
AccsecDK Approximate time to get to Secondary school Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccsecDK Approximate time to get to Secondary school Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccGCSE How long to get to post-GCSE college Added: Modules A and B 2005 No further notes
AccGCSE How long to get to post-GCSE college Routing changed from to Module B only 2008 No further notes
AccGCSE How long to get to post-GCSE college Routing changed to if there is a child aged 16 to 19 at 31 August 2009 No further notes
AccGCSE How long to get to post-GCSE college Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccGCSE How long to get to post-GCSE college Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccGCDK Approximate time to get to post GCSE college Added: Module A and B 2005 No further notes
AccGCDK Approximate time to get to post GCSE college Routing changed to Module B only 2008 No further notes
AccGCDK Approximate time to get to post GCSE college Routing changed to if there is a child aged 16 to 19 at 31 August 2009 No further notes
AccGCDK Approximate time to get to post GCSE college Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccChm How long to get to chemist Added: Module A only 2005 No further notes
AccChm How long to get to chemist Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccChm How long to get to chemist Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccChmDK Approximate time to get to Chemist Added: Module A only 2005 No further notes
AccChmDK Approximate time to get to Chemist Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccChmDK Approximate time to get to Chemist Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccPO How long to get to post office Added: Module A only 2005 No further notes
AccPO How long to get to post office Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccPO How long to get to post office Deleted 2013 No further notes
AccPODK Approximate time to get to post office Added: Module A only 2005 No further notes
AccPODK Approximate time to get to post office Asked of Random Subsample B only 2009 No further notes
AccPODK Approximate time to get to post office Deleted 2013 No further notes
Order Type of goods delivered to home Helpscreen added 2003 No further notes
Order Type of goods delivered to home Additional answer codes added 2003 No further notes
Order Type of goods delivered to home Deleted 2005 No further notes
Order Type of goods delivered to home Reintroduced for Module A only. 2008 No further notes
Order Type of goods delivered to home Deleted 2009 Replaced with OrderN
OrderN Type of goods delivered to home Added
Additional interviewer instruction. Additional and altered answer categories. Asked all years.
2009 No further notes
OrderN Type of goods delivered to home Change in location –home deliveries and food shopping module after OnlineN 2013 No further notes
OrderN Type of goods delivered to home Helpscreen text moved to question text 2013 No further notes
OrderN Type of goods delivered to home Minor changes to wording.
Change to answer categories.
2018 No further notes
OrderN Type of goods delivered to home Question changes to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Deleted 2005 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Reintroduced for Module A only 2008 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Changed to ask all 2009 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Change in location –home deliveries and food shopping module after Online 2013 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Change to question wording. 2018 No further notes
Deliv Frequency of home deliveries Question changes to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
LastD Last thing ordered by post, phone, or internet. Additional answer codes added. 2003 No further notes
LastD Last thing ordered by post, phone, or internet. Deleted 2005 No further notes
LastD Last thing ordered by post, phone, or internet. Reintroduced for Module A only. 2008 No further notes
LastD Last thing ordered by post, phone, or internet. Deleted 2009 Replaced with LastDN
xLastD Other verbatim of LastD Deleted 2003 No further notes
xLastD Other verbatim of LastD Reintroduced for Module A only 2008 No further notes
xLastD Other verbatim of LastD Deleted 2009 Replaced with XLastDN
LastDN What was the last delivery to home Added
Additional and altered answer categories. Asked all years.
2009 No further notes
LastDN What was the last delivery to home Routing changed: if more than one item recorded at OrderN 2010 No further notes
LastDN What was the last delivery to home Deleted 2013 No further notes
XLastDN Other verbatim of LastDN Added 2009 No further notes
XLastDN Other verbatim of LastDN Deleted 2013 No further notes
HowOrd How was last delivery ordered? Deleted 2005 No further notes
HowOrd How was last delivery ordered? Reintroduced for Module A only 2008 No further notes
HowOrd How was last delivery ordered? Asked all years 2009 No further notes
HowOrd How was last delivery ordered? Deleted 2013 No further notes
DelMeth How was last order delivered Added 2009 No further notes
DelMeth How was last order delivered Answer category added 2010 No further notes
DelMeth How was last order delivered Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
DelMeth How was last order delivered Deleted 2013 No further notes
Delvisit Whether visited shop first Added 2009 No further notes
Delvisit Whether visited shop first Question wording changed 2010 No further notes
Delvisit Whether visited shop first Answer category added 2011 No further notes
Delvisit Whether visited shop first Deleted 2013 No further notes
HowB How would have bought the last delivery, if not delivered to house Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
HowB How would have bought the last delivery, if not delivered to house Deleted 2005 No further notes
HowB How would have bought the last delivery, if not delivered to house Reintroduced for Module A only 2008 No further notes
HowB How would have bought the last delivery, if not delivered to house Deleted 2009 Replaced with HowBN
XHowB Verbatim other answer for HowB Deleted 2005 No further notes
XHowB Verbatim other answer for HowB Reintroduced for Module A only 2008 No further notes
XHowB Verbatim other answer for HowB Deleted 2009 Replaced with XHowBN
HowBN How would have bought the last delivery, if not delivered to house Added 2009 No further notes
HowBN How would have bought the last delivery, if not delivered to house Deleted 2013 No further notes
xHowBN Verbatim other answer for HowBN Added. Additional and altered answer categories. 2009 No further notes
xHowBN Verbatim other answer for HowBN Deleted 2013 No further notes
HowSpec Whether would have made a specific trip to get item if it was not delivered Added 2009 No further notes
HowSpec Whether would have made a specific trip to get item if it was not delivered Question wording changed 2010 No further notes
HowSpec Whether would have made a specific trip to get item if it was not delivered Answer category changed 2010 No further notes
HowSpec Whether would have made a specific trip to get item if it was not delivered Deleted 2013 No further notes
TravSpec How would have travelled to get it Added 2009 No further notes
TravSpec How would have travelled to get it Deleted 2013 No further notes
XTravSpec Verbatim other answer for TravSpec Added 2009 No further notes
XTravSpec Verbatim other answer for TravSpec Deleted 2013 No further notes
WhoSHop Who does main food shopping Changed question wording 2009 No further notes
WhoSHop Who does main food shopping Deleted 2013 No further notes
Shopoft Who does main food shopping Delete 2013 No further notes
DVShop DV main food shopper Delete 2013 No further notes
YNoShop Why household does no food shopping Delete 2013 No further notes
XYNoShop Why household does no food shopping Delete 2013 No further notes

10.1.6 Attitudes to local services

From 2017, the module on attitude to local services was deleted from the household questionnaire and some questions were moved to the individual interview in self completion.

Block name: BAttitud / QATTITUD.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
SatServ to FrqMetro Satisfaction with local transports Block of questions moved to after BanTBus. Previously situated at end of the Household block (after WhoBlue) 2009 No further notes
SatServ to FrqMetro Satisfaction with local transports Delete 2017 No further notes
Attintro Intro to attitude questions
Asked of Module A only
Deleted 2004 No further notes
SatServ Satisfaction with local buses Added: Module A 2004 No further notes
SatServ Satisfaction with local buses Asked every year of Random
Subsample A only
2009 No further notes
SatServ Satisfaction with local buses Change to category 3 2013 No further notes
SatServ Satisfaction with local buses Asked of all households 2013 No further notes
SatServ Satisfaction with local buses Moved to self-completion 2017 No further notes
Reliabus Reliability of local buses
Asked of Module A only
Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Reliabus Reliability of local buses
Asked of Module A only
Asked every year of Random
Subsample A only
2009 No further notes
Reliabus Reliability of local buses
Asked of Module A only
Asked of all households 2013 No further notes
Reliabus Reliability of local buses
Asked of Module A only
Moved to self-completion 2017 No further notes
FrqBus Frequency of local buses Asked every year of Random
Subsample A only
2009 No further notes
FrqBus Frequency of local buses Asked of all households 2013 No further notes
FrqBus Frequency of local buses Moved to self-completion 2017 No further notes
ClosRail Type of station closest Added 2013 No further notes
ClosRail Type of station closest Delete 2017 No further notes
TrainSat Satisfaction with train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Added
Asked every year of Random
Subsample A only
2009 No further notes
TrainSat Satisfaction with train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Change to category 3 2013 No further notes
TrainSat Satisfaction with train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Asked of all households 2013 No further notes
TrainSat Satisfaction with train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Delete 2017 No further notes
RelMetro Reliability of train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Asked every year of Random
Subsample A only
2009 No further notes
RelMetro Reliability of train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Asked of all households 2013 No further notes
RelMetro Reliability of train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Delete 2017 No further notes
FrqMetro Frequency of train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Asked every year of Random
Subsample A only
2009 No further notes
FrqMetro Frequency of train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Asked of all households 2013 No further notes
FrqMetro Frequency of train/underground/metro/light rail/tram Delete 2017 No further notes
Integr Availability of combined rail and bus tickets
Asked of Module A only
Deleted 2006 No further notes
Cyclane Provision of cycle lanes/paths locally Deleted 2006 No further notes
Cyclane Provision of cycle lanes/paths locally Added
Asked of Module A
2010 No further notes
Cyclane Provision of cycle lanes/paths locally Question wording changed 2011 No further notes
Cyclane Provision of cycle lanes/paths locally Routing changed to ask all 2011 No further notes
Cyclane Provision of cycle lanes/paths locally Delete 2017 No further notes
Pavement Condition of pavements locally Deleted 2006 No further notes
Pavement Condition of pavements locally Added
Asked of Module A
2010 No further notes
Pavement Condition of pavements locally Routing changed to ask all 2011 No further notes
Pavement Condition of pavements locally Delete 2017 No further notes

10.1.7 Children’s travel to school

Block name: BChTrav / QTCHTRAV.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
All questons in block No further notes Asked about children aged 5 to 16 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
SchInt Intro to school travel Asked about children aged 5 to 16 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
Schdly Does the child make a daily journey to school? Asked about children aged 5 to 16 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
Schdly Does the child make a daily journey to school? Additional answer category 2009 No further notes
Schfar How far is child’s school (unit of measurement) Answer categories changed 2004 No further notes
Schfar How far is child’s school (unit of measurement) Deleted 2007 No further notes
SChMins How far is school in minutes Deleted 2004 No further notes
SchMil How far is school in miles Deleted 2007 No further notes
SchKm How far is school in KM Deleted 2007 No further notes
SchYard How far is school in Yards Deleted 2007 No further notes
SchM How far is school in metres Deleted 2007 No further notes
TravSc How child usually travels to school Asked about children aged 5 to 16 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
TravSc How child usually travels to school Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
TravSc How child usually travels to school Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle (e.g. bicycle, handcycles, adapted cycles, recumbents, tandems, cycles with more than two wheels, with and without electrical assistance) 2022 No further notes
XTravSc Verbatim other method of travel from TravSc Asked about children aged 5 to 16 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
TravScW Does child share lift to school with another child Added 2008 No further notes
TravScW Does child share lift to school with another child Asked about children aged 5 to 16 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
TravScW Does child share lift to school with another child Addition to interviewer note 2009 No further notes
Accad Usually accompanied to school? Asked about children aged 5 to 13 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
Accad Usually accompanied to school? Asked odd years only 2009 No further notes
YNWkSc Reasons why children don’t walk to school
Added 2018 No further notes
YNWkSc Reasons why children don’t walk to school Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
XYNWkSc Answer for ‘other’ reason why child does not walk to school. Added
2018 No further notes
XYNWkSc Answer for ‘other’ reason why child does not walk to school. Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
YNWWkscA Main reason child does not walk to school Added 2018 No further notes
YNWWkscA Main reason child does not walk to school Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
EncWkSc What would encourage children to walk to school?
Added 2018 No further notes
EncWkSc What would encourage children to walk to school? Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
EncWkScX Answer for ‘other’ reason that would encourage children to walk to school Added 2018 No further notes
EncWkScX Answer for ‘other’ reason that would encourage children to walk to school Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
EncWkscA Main reason that would encourage child to walk to school Added 2018 No further notes
EncWkscA Main reason that would encourage child to walk to school Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
NotAlw1 Why is child not allowed to travel without adult Answer categories changed 2005 No further notes
NotAlw1 Why is child not allowed to travel without adult Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
NotAlw1 Why is child not allowed to travel without adult Asked about children aged 5 to 13 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
NotAlw1 Why is child not allowed to travel without adult Asked odd years only
2009 No further notes
NotAlw1 Why is child not allowed to travel without adult Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
xNotAlw1 Other verbatim reason from NotAlw1 Asked about children aged 5 to 13 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
xNotAlw1 Other verbatim reason from NotAlw1 Asked odd years only 2009 No further notes
xNotAlw1 Other verbatim reason from NotAlw1 Asked in odd years 2020 No further notes
AgeAlw What age first allowed to travel unaccompanied
Deleted 2009 No further notes
NotAlw2 Why was child not allowed to travel without adult Answer categories changed 2005 No further notes
NotAlw2 Why was child not allowed to travel without adult Deleted 2009 No further notes
XnotAlW2 Other verbatim reason from NotAlw2 Deleted 2009 2009 No further notes
Roads Whether child allowed to cross roads alone Asked about children aged 5 to 13 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
Roads Whether child allowed to cross roads alone Asked odd years only 2009 No further notes
Roads Whether child allowed to cross roads alone Deleted 2019 No further notes
MainRd What kind of roads child is allowed to cross Asked about children aged 5 to 13 (previously asked about children aged 7 to 13) 2009 No further notes
MainRd What kind of roads child is allowed to cross Asked odd years only 2009 No further notes
MainRd What kind of roads child is allowed to cross Deleted 2019 No further notes
Howsch How travels home from school Added (odd years only) 2009 No further notes
Howsch How travels home from school Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle (e.g. bicycle, handcycles, adapted cycles, recumbents, tandems, cycles with more than two wheels, with and without electrical assistance) 2022 No further notes
xHowsch Other way of travelling home from school Added (odd years only) 2009 No further notes

10.1.8 Vehicle grid

Block name: BVehNum.QVehNum.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes

House use carpool car? Helpnote added 2003 No further notes

House use carpool car? Asked every four years 2020 No further notes
UseVcl Continous use of vehicles Question text changed 2004 No further notes
UseVcl Continous use of vehicles Interviewer note added 2006 No further notes
UseVcl Continous use of vehicles Interviewer instruction changed 2009 No further notes
Any broken down vehicles that will be used Helpnote added 2003 No further notes
NoPlveh Number of vehicles Question text changed 2003 No further notes
NewVeh Any new vehicles since end of travel week Interviewer instruction changed 2009 No further notes

Block name: BVehTab/ QTVEHTAB.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Make Make of vehicle Question text changed 2003 No further notes
Model Model of vehicle Question text changed 2003 No further notes
ModSpec Specification of model Question text changed 2003 No further notes
TypeVcl Whether car, lightvan,
motorcycle or other
Deleted 2004 Imputed from TypeVcl2
CarType Whether 4 wheel, 3 wheel or other Question text changed 2003 No further notes
CarType Whether 4 wheel, 3 wheel or other Deleted 2004 Imputed from TypeVcl2
BikeType Whether motorcycle, motorcycle with sidecar or other Deleted 2004 Imputed from TypeVcl2
OthType Whether 4 wheel drive, light van, some other can, minibus or other Question text changed 2003 No further notes
OthType Whether 4 wheel drive, light van, some other can, minibus or other Deleted 2004 Imputed from TypeVcl2
TypeVcl2 Type of vehicle Added 2004 No further notes
TypeVcl2 Type of vehicle Answer categories changed
Interviewer instruction added
2012 No further notes
TypeVcl2 Type of vehicle Answer categories changed 2013 No further notes
TypeVcl2 Type of vehicle Question and answer wording change 2018 Variable renamed as TypeVcl3
CompCar Which business mileage band for car Deleted Mid 2002 No further notes
Xcompcar Why business mileage band does not apply Deleted Mid 2002 No further notes
Privvcl Whether privately owned or not Routing changed 2004 No further notes
Privvcl Whether privately owned or not Question text changed 2009 No further notes
AutMan Whether vehicle is manuel or automatic Added 2018 No further notes
HmnDriv Who is the main driver of vehicle Question text changed 2003 No further notes
BlueBdg Whether anyone in house as a blue badge Added 2008 No further notes
WhoBlue Who has a blue badge Added 2008 No further notes
SelPer Who answered the household questionnaire Added 2013 No further notes
SelCheck Check on SelPer Added 2013 No further notes

10.2 Individual questionnaire

The individual questionnaire was changed in 2009 to allow 5 people per session rather than 4.

10.2.1 Introductory questions

Block name: Session.NTS

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
IndInt Intro to individual questions Added 2009 No further notes

Block name: BWhoInt / QTWhoInt.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
IndQn Interview method Question text added to include telephone interviewing 2021 No further notes

10.2.2 Disabilities that affect travel

Block name: BDisab / QTDisab.NTS

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Diffoot Any disability that makes difficult to go out on foot? Deleted 2007 No further notes
Genheal Respondent general health Added 2017 No further notes
Mobdiff Any disability that makes it difficult to go by foot, car, or bus Added 2007 No further notes
Mobdiff Any disability that makes it difficult to go by foot, car, or bus Question text changed 2008 No further notes
Mobdiff Any disability that makes it difficult to go by foot, car, or bus Category 1 text changed 2013 No further notes
Mobdiff Any disability that makes it difficult to go by foot, car, or bus Wording changed 2018 No further notes
Heallll Whether respondent has any long term physical and mental health conditions. Added 2018 No further notes
Impcat Impact of health conditions or illness. Added 2018 No further notes
LimitAct Whether illnessor disability reduces respondents ability to carry out day-to-day activities. Added 2018 No further notes
OthDis Any other disability Added 2007 No further notes
OthDis Any other disability Deleted 2018 No further notes
CycDiff Disability making it difficult to cycle Added 2017 No further notes
CycDiff Disability making it difficult to cycle Wording changed 2018 No further notes
CycDiff Disability making it difficult to cycle Updated routing 2021 No further notes
CycDiff Disability making it difficult to cycle Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle (e.g. bicycle, handcycles, adapted cycles, recumbents, tandems, cycles with more than two wheels, with and without electrical assistance) 2022 No further notes
Footout Whether go out on foot at all Changed question wording 2009 No further notes
PowWhl Whether have wheelchair Added 2005 No further notes
PowWhl Whether have wheelchair Deleted 2009 Replaced with WhlAid
WhlAid Whether have wheelchair, scooter or walking stick Added
Even years only
2009 No further notes
WhlAid Whether have wheelchair, scooter or walking stick Answer category added 2010 No further notes
WhlAid Whether have wheelchair, scooter or walking stick Changed to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
PowWhuse How often use wheelchair etc Added 2005 No further notes
PowWhuse How often use wheelchair etc Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
PowWhuse How often use wheelchair etc Asked Even years only 2009 No further notes
PowWhuse How often use wheelchair etc Changed to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
PwWhopen Why not use wheelchair much Added 2005 No further notes
PwWhopen Why not use wheelchair much Deleted 2009 No further notes
MobSct Whether have scooter Added 2005 No further notes
MobSct Whether have scooter Deleted 2009 Replaced with WhlAid
MobScuse How often use scooter Added 2005 No further notes
MobScuse How often use scooter Deleted 2009 No further notes
MobOpen Why not use scooter much Added 2005 No further notes
MobOpen Why not use scooter much Deleted 2009 No further notes
DifBus Whether have disability that makes difficult to use bus Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
DifBus Whether have disability that makes difficult to use bus Deleted 2007 No further notes
DifBusY How is it a problem to use buses Answer codes changed 2003 No further notes
DifBusY How is it a problem to use buses Changed question wording 2009 No further notes
DifBusY How is it a problem to use buses Changed question wording 2018 No further notes
Carer Whether the respondent is a carer Added

2019 No further notes
Carer Whether the respondent is a carer Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
CareTime How long respondent spends caring Added

2019 No further notes
CareTime How long respondent spends caring Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
DifCar Whether have disability that makes it difficult to use car Deleted 2007 No further notes
BusPrb95 Reason why respondent doesn’t use local bus service Deleted 2020 No further notes
XBusPb95 Other reasons why respondent does not use local bus service Deleted 2020 No further notes
SpecTr Special transport aware of Even years only 2009 No further notes
SpecTr Special transport aware of Changed to ask in odd years only 2019 No further notes
XSpecTr Other special transport aware of Even years only 2009 No further notes
XSpecTr Other special transport aware of Changed to ask in odd years only 2019 No further notes
SpecUs Whether use special transport Added
Even years only
2009 No further notes
SpecUs Whether use special transport Interviewer instruction added 2010 No further notes
SpecUs Whether use special transport Answer category added 2011 No further notes
SpecUs Whether use special transport Interviewer instruction deleted 2011 No further notes
SpecUs Whether use special transport Changed to ask in odd years only 2019 No further notes
XSpecUs Other special transport used Added
Even years only
2009 No further notes
XSpecUs Other special transport used Interviewer instruction added 2010 No further notes
XSpecUs Other special transport used Interviewer instruction deleted 2011 No further notes
XSpecUs Other special transport used Changed to ask in odd years only 2019 No further notes
Leahous Did you leave house yesterday? Added 2005 No further notes
Leahous Did you leave house yesterday? Deleted 2009 No further notes
QLeahous How many times left house Added 2005 No further notes
QLeahous How many times left house Deleted 2009 No further notes
NotLea Why did not leave house Added 2005 No further notes
NotLea Why did not leave house Deleted 2009 No further notes

10.2.3 Methods of transport used

Block name: Bmethod/ QTMethod.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
IntroC Intro to method of transport section Question wording changed – only walking 2004 No further notes
IntroC Intro to method of transport section Asked odd years only.
Routing changed
2004 No further notes
IntroC Intro to method of transport section Question wording changed – all methods of transport 2005 No further notes
IntroC Intro to method of transport section Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
PrivCar How often by car Added 2009 No further notes
PrivCar How often by car Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
PrivCar How often by car Scale codes updated 2020 No further notes
OrdBus How often by bus Asked all years 2005 No further notes
OrdBus How often by bus Changed question wording 2009 No further notes
OrdBus How often by bus Change in routing 2009 No further notes
OrdBus How often by bus Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
OrdBus How often by bus Scale codes and interviewer instructions updated 2020 No further notes
Coach How often by coach Asked all years 2009 No further notes
Coach How often by coach Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
Coach How often by coach Scale codes and interviewer instructions updated 2020 No further notes
Train How often by train Asked all years 2009 No further notes
Train How often by train Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
Train How often by train Scale codes and interviewer instructions updated 2020 No further notes
TaxiCab How often by taxi or minicab Asked all years 2009 No further notes
TaxiCab How often by taxi or minicab Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
TaxiCab How often by taxi or minicab Scale codes and interviewer instructions updated 2020 No further notes
Plane How often internal flight Asked all years 2005 No further notes
Plane How often internal flight Changed question wording 2009 No further notes
Plane How often internal flight Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
Plane How often internal flight Scale codes and interviewer instructions updated 2020 No further notes
Bicycle How often by bike Asked all years 2005 No further notes
Bicycle How often by bike Moved to after Cycle12 2009 No further notes
Walk How often 20 mins or more Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
Walk How often 20 mins or more Changed answer scale 2019 No further notes
Walk How often 20 mins or more Scale codes updated 2020 No further notes
WhWalk Where you walked on last walk Changed from Read Out to Show card 2003 No further notes
WhWalk Where you walked on last walk Deleted 2009 No further notes
xWhWalk Other place walked on last walk Deleted 2009 No further notes
FarWalk How long last walk took Deleted 2009 No further notes
DistWalk How far last walk
Deleted 2009 No further notes
TrWalk Whether had to travel to get to start of walk Deleted 2009 No further notes
HtrWalk How travelled to start of walk Deleted 2009 No further notes
XHtrWalk Other method of travel to start Deleted 2009 No further notes

10.2.4 Walking

Block name: BWalk/ QTWalk.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
YNWlk Barriers to walking more in local area Added 2018 No further notes
YNWlk Barriers to walking more in local area Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
XYNtWk Other reason for not walking more in local area Added
2018 No further notes
XYNtWk Other reason for not walking more in local area Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
YNWlkM Main reason for not walking more in local area
Added 2018 No further notes
YNWlkM Main reason for not walking more in local area Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
EncWk What would encourage walking in local area.
Added 2018 No further notes
EncWk What would encourage walking in local area. Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
XEncWk Other reason that would encourage walking in local area Added 2018 No further notes
XEncWk Other reason that would encourage walking in local area Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes
EncWkM Main reason that would encourage walking in local area. Added 2018 No further notes
EncWkM Main reason that would encourage walking in local area. Asked in odd years only 2020 No further notes

10.2.5 Cycling

Block name: BCycle/ QTCycle.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
GenCycle Whether owns, has regular use of or doesn’t have regular use of pedal cycle Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle (e.g. bicycle, handcycles, adapted cycles, recumbents, tandems, cycles with more than two wheels, with and without electrical assistance) 2022 No further notes
Bicycle How often ride a bike Moved from Tmethod block 2009 No further notes
Bicycle How often ride a bike Asked if aged 5 or older and cycled in the last 12 months 2009 No further notes
Bicycle How often ride a bike Answer category removed 2011 No further notes
Bicycle How often ride a bike Answer category added 2018 No further notes
Bicycle How often ride a bike Answer scale changed 2019 No further notes
Bicycle How often ride a bike Scale codes updated 2020 No further notes
Ebike Whether respondent owns or has access to an ebike Added 2019 No further notes
Ebike Whether respondent owns or has access to an ebike Routing changed to aged 14 and over 2022 No further notes
Ebike Whether respondent owns or has access to an ebike Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle (e.g. bicycle, handcycles, adapted cycles, recumbents, tandems, cycles with more than two wheels, with and without electrical assistance) 2022 No further notes
Cycle12 Ridden A pedal cycle in last 12 months Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
Bicycle2 Frequency of cycling Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
CycMore Whether cycles more, less or about the same amount Added 2015 No further notes
Cycle4w Whether ridden a bicycle during the last 4 weeks Added 2015 No further notes
Cycle4w Whether ridden a bicycle during the last 4 weeks Deleted 2018 No further notes
CycRoute Where cycle Changed from Read Out to Show card 2003 No further notes
CycRoute Where cycle Deleted 2019 No further notes
LeRidCy Whether respondent can ride a bike Added 2018 No further notes
LeRidCy Whether respondent can ride a bike Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
YNotCyc Barriers to people cycling more Added 2015 No further notes
YNotCyc Barriers to people cycling more Deleted 2016 Replaced with YNotCycA and YNotCycB
Barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Added 2016 No further notes
Barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Change to answer codes 2018 No further notes
Barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
Other barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Added 2016 No further notes
Other barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
Other barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
Other barriers to people cycling more, reversed show cards Additional answer category 2022 No further notes
ResMNCy Main reason for not cycling Added 2015 Replaced with RsMNCyA and RsMNCyB
Main reason for not cycling more Added 2016 No further notes
Main reason for not cycling more Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes

What would encourage cycling in local area Added 2018 No further notes
EncCyc What would encourage cycling in local area Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
EncCyc What would encourage cycling in local area Text in answer categories changed 2022 No further notes
XEncCyc Other reasons that would encourage cycling in local area
Added 2018 No further notes
XEncCyc Other reasons that would encourage cycling in local area Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
EncCycM Main reason that would encourage cycling in local area Added 2018 No further notes
EncCycM Main reason that would encourage cycling in local area Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes

10.2.6 Children as front/rear passengers

Block name: BCarPas / QTCarPas.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
CarPass Where child sits in the car Added 2007 No further notes
CarPass Where child sits in the car Odd years only 2009 No further notes
CarPass Where child sits in the car Delete 2013 No further notes

10.2.7 E-Scooter

Block name: BEScooter / QTEScooterINC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
EScooter E-scooter ridden in the last 12 months Added 2021 No further notes
EScooterFreq How frequently is an E-Scooter ridden Added 2021 No further notes

10.2.8 Driving licences

Block name: BDrLic / QTDrLic.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
LicChk Code whether Intr checked licence Deleted 2007 No further notes
VehUsu Which car in household usually driven by respondent Additional answer category 2003 No further notes
NoDriv95 Why respondent no longer drives Deleted 2009 Replaced with NoDrivN
NoDrivN Why respondent no longer drives
Added 2009 No further notes
NoDrivN Why respondent no longer drives Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
XNodriv Why respondent no longer drives for some other reason Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
NoLic95 Why no longer holds licence Deleted 2009 Replaced with NoLIcN
XNoLic95 Other reason why no longer holds licence Deleted 2009 Replaced with xNoLicN
EvDLic95 Ever held a full driving licence valid in Great Britain Asked every year 2020 No further notes
NoLicN Why no longer holds licence
Added 2009 No further notes
NoLicN Why no longer holds licence Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
XNoLicN Other reason why no longer holds licence
Added 2009 No further notes
XNoLicN Other reason why no longer holds licence Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
DLAge Age first obtained a full licence Asked every year 2020 No further notes
ProTyp95 Type of vehicles provisional licence is for Additional answer category 2008 No further notes
PDrivSt Whether learning to drive Added 2006 No further notes
LastDr95 Age when last drove Asked in even years only 2020 No further notes
DrivLik Whether likely to learn to drive in the future Added 2006 No further notes
DrivLik Whether likely to learn to drive in the future Asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
ThryTak Whether taken the driving theory test Added 2015 No further notes
ThryTak Whether taken the driving theory test Deleted 2019 No further notes
ThryWhM When first took the driving theory test (month) Added 2015 No further notes
ThryWhM When first took the driving theory test (month) Deleted 2019 No further notes
ThryWhY When first took the driving theory test (year) Added 2015 No further notes
ThryWhY When first took the driving theory test (year) Deleted 2019 No further notes
PassThry Whether passed the driving theory test Added 2015 No further notes
PassThry Whether passed the driving theory test Deleted 2019 No further notes
FailThryN How many times failed the theory test before passing Added 2015 No further notes
FailThryN How many times failed the theory test before passing Deleted 2019 No further notes
PracTak Whether taken the practical driving test Added 2015 No further notes
PracTak Whether taken the practical driving test Deleted 2019 No further notes
PracNum How many times taken the practical test Added 2015 No further notes
PracNum How many times taken the practical test Deleted 2019 No further notes
Prac1WhM When first took the practical test (month) Added 2015 No further notes
Prac1WhM When first took the practical test (month) Deleted 2019 No further notes
Prac1WhY When first took the practical test (year) Added 2015 No further notes
Prac1WhY When first took the practical test (year) Deleted 2019 No further notes
Prac2WhM When did most recently take the practical test (month) Added 2015 No further notes
Prac2WhM When did most recently take the practical test (month) Deleted 2019 No further notes
Pract2WhY When did most recently take the practical test (year) Added 2015 No further notes
Pract2WhY When did most recently take the practical test (year) Deleted 2019 No further notes
Prac3Wh When plans to take the practical test Added 2015 No further notes
Prac3Wh When plans to take the practical test Deleted 2019 No further notes
CarClub Whether a member of a car club Added 2013 No further notes
CarClub Whether a member of a car club Additional question wording - examples 2014 No further notes
CarClub Whether a member of a car club Addition to interviewer note 2014 No further notes
CarClub Whether a member of a car club Deleted 2019 No further notes
PHVuse Use of private hire vehicle services Added 2018 No further notes
PHVFreq Frequency of use of private hire vehicle services Added 2018 No further notes
PHVFreq Frequency of use of private hire vehicle services Change to answer scale 2019 No further notes
PHVFreq Frequency of use of private hire vehicle services Scale codes updated 2020 No further notes
ResNdr Why respondent does not drive Added 2006 No further notes
ResNdr Why respondent does not drive Deleted 2009 Replaced with ResNDN
XResNdr Other reason from ResNdr Added 2006 No further notes
XResNdr Other reason from ResNdr Deleted 2009 Replaced with xResNDN
ResNDN Why respondent does not drive Added 2009 No further notes
ResNDN Why respondent does not drive Show card reversed for half of the sample 2015 No further notes
ResNDN Why respondent does not drive Changed to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
XResNDN Other reason from ResNdr Added 2009 No further notes
XResNDN Other reason from ResNdr Changed to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
ResNdrM Main reason why not driving Added 2006 No further notes
ResNdrM Main reason why not driving Deleted 2009 Replaced with ResNDNM
XResNdrM Other reason for not driving Added 2006 No further notes
XResNdrM Other reason for not driving Deleted 2009 No further notes
ResNDNM Main reason why not driving Added 2009 No further notes
ResNDNM Main reason why not driving Changed to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
XResNDNM Other reason from ResNDNM Added 2009 No further notes
XResNDNM Other reason from ResNDNM Changed to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes

10.2.9 Internet use

Block name: BIntUse / QTIntUse.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
IntUse Introduction use of internet questions Added 2017 No further notes
HomeIUse Frequency of access to the internet at home Added 2017 No further notes
WorkIUse Frequency of access to the internet at work, school or university Added 2017 No further notes
OnGoIUse Frequency of access to the internet on the go Added 2017 No further notes
ElseIUse Frequency of access to the internet from anywhere else Added 2017 No further notes
InTrSer Use if transport-related online services Added 2018 No further notes
InTrSerO Use of other transport-relatted online services Added 2018 No further notes
OwnPhone Whether respondent owns a smartphone Added 2018 No further notes
OwnPhone Whether respondent owns a smartphone Deleted 2019 No further notes
SmPhUse Use of smartphone Added 2018 No further notes
SmPhUse Use of smartphone Deleted 2019 No further notes
InDev Device used to access the internet Added 2017 No further notes
InDev Device used to access the internet Show card added 2019 No further notes
InDev Device used to access the internet Deleted 2020 No further notes
InDevO Other device
Added 2017 No further notes
InDevO Other device Deleted 2020 No further notes

10.2.10 Attitude (CASI)

Block name: BAttitud / QATTITUD.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Self-Completion CASI General routing for section Routing changed to account for changes in methodology. 2021 This applies to the whole block of questions
CASIInt Introduction to self-completion Added 2017 No further notes
CASIInt Introduction to self-completion Wording changed 2019 No further notes
CASIInt Introduction to self-completion Wording changed 2022 No further notes
CASIInstr Introduction of the card on motorways and major roads Added 2017 No further notes
CASIPra1 Practice question 1 Added 2017 No further notes
CASIPra2 Practice question 2 Added 2017 No further notes
CASIExpl Practice question 3 Added 2017 No further notes
SatisInt Introduction satisfaction question Added 2017 No further notes
NTrnSat Satisfaction with trains Added 2017 No further notes
RelTrain Satisfaction with train reliability Added 2017 No further notes
FrqTrain Satisfaction with train frequency Added 2017 No further notes
SatServ Satisfaction with local bus services Added 2017 No further notes
ReliaBus Satisfaction with bus reliability Added 2017 No further notes
FrqBus Satisfaction with bus frequency Added 2017 No further notes
SRNRdSat Satisfaction with road network Added 2017 No further notes
SRNRdSat Satisfaction with road network Wording changed 2019 No further notes
LocRdSat Satisfaction with local roads Added 2017 No further notes
NCyclane Satisfaction with cycling provisions Added 2017 No further notes
WalkProv Satisfaction with walking provision Added 2017 No further notes
LonScreen Introductory screen for following questions Wording changed 2022 No further notes
LackComp How often lack companionship Added 2019 No further notes
LeftOut How often feel left out Added 2019 No further notes
Isolated How often feel isolated Added 2019 No further notes
Lonely How often feel lonely Added 2019 No further notes
CASISegIn Introduction to opinion questions Added 2017 No further notes
CASISegIn Introduction to opinion questions Deleted 2018 No further notes
CarStyle Important things when buying a car Added 2017 No further notes
CarStyle Important things when buying a car Deleted 2018 No further notes
PracNec Car as practical necessity Added 2017 No further notes
PracNec Car as practical necessity Deleted 2018 No further notes
LivCit Living in an urban area Added 2017 No further notes
LivCit Living in an urban area Deleted 2018 No further notes
CASIEndX End of CASI Added 2017 No further notes
CASIEndX End of CASI Wording amended 2019 No further notes
CASIEndY Instructions end of CASI Added 2017 No further notes

10.2.11 Education, paid work and journey planning

Block name: BILO / QTILO.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
TDirPriv What used to plan journey by private transport Added 2004 No further notes
TDirPriv What used to plan journey by private transport Changed answer categories 2005 No further notes
TDirPriv What used to plan journey by private transport Deleted 2006 No further notes
XTDirPr Other answer from TDirPriv Added 2004 No further notes
XTDirPr Other answer from TDirPriv Deleted 2006 No further notes
TDirPub What used to plan journey by public transport Added 2004 No further notes
TDirPub What used to plan journey by public transport Changed answer categories 2005 No further notes
TDirPub What used to plan journey by public transport Deleted 2006 No further notes
XTDirP Other answer from TDirPub Added 2004 No further notes
XTDirP Other answer from TDirPub Deleted 2006 No further notes
HowLong How long has been looking for paid work Answer categories changed 2013 No further notes
HowLong How long has been looking for paid work Correction 2014 No further notes
HowLong How long has been looking for paid work Answer categories changed 2018 No further notes
HLongInd How long have you lived at this address Routing changed to reflect methodology changes 2021 No further notes

Block name: BEDUC / QTEduc.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
EdAttn1 Whether has educational quals Added 2005 No further notes
EdAttn2 Whether has vocational or work-related quals Added 2005 No further notes
EdAttn3 Degree level or another Added 2005 No further notes
EdAttn3 Degree level or another Deleted 2017 Replaced with EdAttn4
EdAttn4 Type of qualification Added 2017 No further notes
EdAttn4 Type of qualification New numerical qualification added to the GCSE codes 2020 No further notes
HLongInd How long living at this address Added 2017 No further notes
HowLong How long looking for work or training scheme Added 2004 No further notes
HowLong How long looking for work or training scheme Deleted 2009 Replaced with EducN
EducFT Whether in FT education Deleted 2009 No further notes
EducN Whether in education either FT or PT Added 2009 No further notes

10.2.13 Last paid job

Block name: BLastJb / QTLastJb.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
DtJbL Date left last job Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes

10.2.14 Main job details

Block name: TMainJb / QTMainJb.INC

Block name: BMainJb

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
OcSect What sector respondent works in Added 2019 No further notes
OcPubSect Which part of public sector respondent works in Added 2019 No further notes
Number of employees as self employed Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
Number of employees as self employed Answer categories changed 2018 No further notes
S0C2010 Standard Occupational Classification Replaced with SOC2020 2022 No further notes

Block name: TTrBen / QTTrBen.INC

Block name: BTrBen

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
TrBen Whether employees get travel benefits Change to answer categories 2003 No further notes
TrBen Whether employees get travel benefits Deleted 2004 No further notes
XTrBEn Other answers from TrBen Deleted 2004 No further notes
TrBenU Whether respondent gets travel benefits from employer Change to answer categories 2003 No further notes
TrBenU Whether respondent gets travel benefits from employer Deleted 2005 No further notes
XTrBENU Other answer from TrBenU Deleted 2005 No further notes
UseBusT Whether uses cut price bus tickets Deleted 2005 No further notes
UseTrnT Whether uses cut price train tickets Deleted 2005 No further notes
UseLoan Whether uses season ticket loan Deleted 2005 No further notes
UsePL Whether uses parking loan Deleted 2005 No further notes
UseFP Whether use cut price or free parking Deleted 2005 No further notes
UseWrkB Whether uses special bus Deleted 2005 No further notes
CarAlt Whether alternative to company car offered Deleted 2005 No further notes
CarCh Whether chose alternative Deleted 2005 No further notes
CarAltA Check whether accepted company car offer Added 2004 No further notes
CarAltA Check whether accepted company car offer Deleted 2005 No further notes

10.2.15 Income

Block name: TIncme / QTIncme.INC

Block name: BIncme

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Whether receive income from any source Question changed to Yes or No answer 2004 No further notes
Whether receive income from any source On screen list changed 2013 No further notes
Whether receive income from any source On screen list addition 2014 No further notes
Whether receive income from any source Update to sources of income 2022 No further notes
IncGrp Income bands Added 2015 No further notes

10.2.16 Location of work

Block name: TWorkPl / QTWorkPl.INC

Block name: BWorkPl

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Wkplace Usual place of work Change to question text 2009 No further notes
Wkplace Usual place of work Change to question text 2022 No further notes
WkCode Place of work from look up file Deleted 2007 No further notes
XWkCode Other place of work if not listed in lookup file Deleted 2007 No further notes
WkRef Place of work (from gazetteer) Added 2007 No further notes
WkLon Whether work is near central London Deleted 2007 No further notes
WkAdd1 Work address line 1 Added 2008 No further notes
WkAdd2 Work address line 2 Added 2008 No further notes
WkAdd3 Work address line 3 Added 2008 No further notes
WkAdd4 Work address line 4 Added 2008 No further notes
WkPC Work postcode Added 2008 No further notes
WkKnow Whether knew work address or looked it up Added 2008 No further notes

10.2.17 Travel to work

Block name: TWkMeth / QTWkMeth.INC

Block name: BWkMeth

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
WkTrav Mode of travel for journey to work Interviewer instruction added. 2003 No further notes
WkTrav Mode of travel for journey to work Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
WkTrav Mode of travel for journey to work Change to helpscreen text 2022 No further notes
WkTrFo Reason for walking to work Added 2017 No further notes
WkTrFo Reason for walking to work
Asked only every four years 2020 No further notes
WkTrFoO Other reason why usually travels on foot Asked only every four years 2020 No further notes
WkTrBi Reason for cycling to work
Added 2017 No further notes
WkTrBi Reason for cycling to work Asked only every four years 2020 No further notes
WkTrBiO Other reason why usually travels by bicycle Question has been removed from the survey 2020 No further notes
WkRoad Usual roads to work Added 2008 No further notes
WkRoad Usual roads to work Odd years only 2009 No further notes
XWkRoad Other roads used Added 2008 No further notes
XWkRoad Other roads used Odd years only 2009 No further notes
WkDrive Whether driver or not Odd years only 2009 No further notes
WkLift Whether give lifts or not Added
Odd years only.
2009 No further notes
WkLift Whether give lifts or not Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
ParkWrk Where park at work Added 2007 No further notes
ParkWrk Where park at work Odd years only 2009 No further notes
ParkWrk Where park at work Change to category 6 2013 No further notes
Whether house regularly uses the car used to travel to work Deleted 2004 No further notes

10.2.18 Working at home

Block name: TWkHome / QTWkHome.INC

Block name: BWkHome

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
WkTrav Mode of travel for journey to work Interviewer instruction added. 2003 No further notes
WkTrav Mode of travel for journey to work Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
WkTrav Mode of travel for journey to work Change to helpscreen text 2022 No further notes
WkTrFo Reason for walking to work Added 2017 No further notes
WkTrFo Reason for walking to work
Asked only every four years 2020 No further notes
WkTrFoO Other reason why usually travels on foot Asked only every four years 2020 No further notes
WkTrBi Reason for cycling to work
Added 2017 No further notes
WkTrBi Reason for cycling to work Asked only every four years 2020 No further notes
WkTrBiO Other reason why usually travels by bicycle Question has been removed from the survey 2020 No further notes
WkRoad Usual roads to work Added 2008 No further notes
WkRoad Usual roads to work Odd years only 2009 No further notes
XWkRoad Other roads used Added 2008 No further notes
XWkRoad Other roads used Odd years only 2009 No further notes
WkDrive Whether driver or not Odd years only 2009 No further notes
WkLift Whether give lifts or not Added
Odd years only.
2009 No further notes
WkLift Whether give lifts or not Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
ParkWrk Where park at work Added 2007 No further notes
ParkWrk Where park at work Odd years only 2009 No further notes
ParkWrk Where park at work Change to category 6 2013 No further notes
WkVEH Whether house regularly uses the car used to travel to work Deleted 2004 No further notes

10.2.19 Ease/Difficulty of travelling to work

Block name: TWkDiff / QTWkDiff.INC

Block name: BWkDiff

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
CarW What problems travelling to work by car – intro question Answer categories changed 2004 No further notes
CarW What problems travelling to work by car – intro question Change to question wording 2009 No further notes
CarW What problems travelling to work by car – intro question Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
CarW What problems travelling to work by car – intro question Change to one answer category 2018 No further notes
CarW What problems travelling to work by car – intro question Asked in even years only 2019 No further notes
XCarW Other problem travelling to work by car Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
CarWM Main problem travelling to work by car Answer categories changed 2004 No further notes
CarWM Main problem travelling to work by car Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
CarWM Main problem travelling to work by car Change to one answer category 2018 No further notes
XCarWM Main problem travelling to work by if other Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
CarsEas How easy to travel to work a different way other than car Added 2009 No further notes
CarsEas How easy to travel to work a different way other than car Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
CarsEas How easy to travel to work a different way other than car Question wording and interviewer instruction changed 2011 No further notes
CarsEas How easy to travel to work a different way other than car Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
WorkNew How would go to work instead of usual method Added 2009 No further notes
WorkNew How would go to work instead of usual method Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
WorkNew How would go to work instead of usual method Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
Other mode of travel to work if could not use normal method Added 2010 No further notes
Other mode of travel to work if could not use normal method Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
CarWeas How easy to travel to work a different way other than car Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarWeas How easy to travel to work a different way other than car Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarWy Why would be difficult to use different method of transport to work other than car Answer Categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarWy Why would be difficult to use different method of transport to work other than car Deleted 2004 No further notes
xCarWy Other Answer from CarWY Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarWyM Main reason why would be difficult to travel to work by a different method other than car Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarWyM Main reason why would be difficult to travel to work by a different method other than car Deleted 2004 No further notes
XCarWyM Other reasons from CarWyM Deleted 2004 No further notes
OthW Any difficulties travelling to work by other methods Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
OthW Any difficulties travelling to work by other methods Change to question wording 2009 No further notes
OthW Any difficulties travelling to work by other methods Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
OthW Any difficulties travelling to work by other methods Change to one answer category 2018 No further notes
OthW Any difficulties travelling to work by other methods Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
XOthW Other difficulty travelling to work by other methods Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
OthWM Main difficulty travelling to work by other methods Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
OthWM Main difficulty travelling to work by other methods Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
XOthWM Main difficulty travelling to work by other methods if other Asked in even years only 2013 No further notes
XOthWM Main difficulty travelling to work by other methods if other Change in wording of answer category 2022 No further notes
CarWN Any cars stay at home while at work Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarWNY Why do not use car to go to work Deleted 2004 No further notes
XCarWNY Other reason from CarWNY Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarWNYM Main reason do not use car to go to work Deleted 2004 No further notes
XCarWNYM Other reason from CarWNYM Deleted 2004 No further notes

10.2.20 Shopping

Block name: TShDiff

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
FdShp How does food shopping Added 2009 No further notes
FdShp How does food shopping Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
FdShp How does food shopping Location change – new home deliveries and food shopping section after OnlineN 2013 No further notes
FdShp How does food shopping Changed question wording 2013 No further notes
FdShp How does food shopping Additional interviewer instruction 2013 No further notes
FdShp How does food shopping Question changes to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
FdDel How often food delivered to home Added 2009 No further notes
FdDel How often food delivered to home Delete 2013 No further notes
FdFreq How often go to food shop Added 2009 No further notes
FdFreq How often go to food shop Location change – new home deliveries and food shopping section after OnlineN 2013 No further notes
FdFreq How often go to food shop Changed question wording 2013 No further notes
FdFreq How often go to food shop Question changes to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
Travsh Method of travel to shops Answer categories changed 2008 No further notes
Travsh Method of travel to shops Change to routing 2009 No further notes
Travsh Method of travel to shops Location change – new home deliveries and food shopping section after OnlineN 2013 No further notes
Travsh Method of travel to shops Wording change 2013 No further notes
Travsh Method of travel to shops Question changes to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
XTravSh Method of travel to shops Location change – new home deliveries and food shopping section after OnlineN 2013 No further notes
XTravSh Method of travel to shops Question changes to be asked in odd years only 2019 No further notes
Delstrt When started having shopping delivered Added 2009 No further notes
Delstrt When started having shopping delivered Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
Delstrt When started having shopping delivered Delete 2013 No further notes
Cars What difficulties doing shopping by car Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
Cars What difficulties doing shopping by car Delete 2013 No further notes
XCars Other difficulties doing shopping by car Delete 2013 No further notes
CarSM Main difficulty doing shopping by car Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarSM Main difficulty doing shopping by car Delete 2013 No further notes
XCarSM Main difficulty doing shopping by car if other Delete 2013 No further notes
ShpEas How easy to do shopping by another method other than car Added 2009 No further notes
ShpEas How easy to do shopping by another method other than car Question wording changed 2011 No further notes
ShpEas How easy to do shopping by another method other than car Interviewer Instruction added 2011 No further notes
ShpEas How easy to do shopping by another method other than car Delete 2013 No further notes
ShpTro How would do shopping if not by car Added 2009 No further notes
ShpTro How would do shopping if not by car Deleted 2010 Replaced with ShpTroN and ShpTrans
ShpTroN How would do shopping if not by car Added 2010 No further notes
ShpTroN How would do shopping if not by car Delete 2013 No further notes
ShpTrans Mode of transport for shopping if not by car Added 2010 No further notes
ShpTrans Mode of transport for shopping if not by car Delete 2013 No further notes
XshpTran Other mode of transport for shopping Added 2010 No further notes
XshpTran Other mode of transport for shopping Delete 2013 No further notes
CarSeas How easy to do shopping by another method other than car Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
CarSeas How easy to do shopping by another method other than car Deleted 2004 Replaced with ShpEas in 2009
CarsY Why would be difficult to do shopping without car Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarsY Why would be difficult to do shopping without car Deleted 2004 No further notes
xCarsY Other answer from CarsY Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarsYM Main reason would be difficult to do shopping without car Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarsYM Main reason would be difficult to do shopping without car Deleted 2004 No further notes
xCarsYM Other reason from CarsYM Deleted 2004 No further notes
OthS What difficulties doing shopping by other mode of transport Routing changed 2008 No further notes
OthS What difficulties doing shopping by other mode of transport Delete 2013 No further notes
XOthS Other difficulties doing shopping by other mode of transport Delete 2013 No further notes
OthSM Main difficulty doing shopping by other mode Delete 2013 No further notes
XOthSM Main difficulty doing shopping by other mode if other Delete 2013 No further notes
CarsN Whether a car is not used to go shopping Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarsNY Why car is not used Deleted 2004 No further notes
xCarsNY other answer from CarsNY Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
xCarsNY other answer from CarsNY Deleted 2004 No further notes
CarsNYM Main reason why car is not used to go shopping Answer categories changed 2003 No further notes
CarsNYM Main reason why car is not used to go shopping Deleted 2004 No further notes
xCarsNYM Other answer from CarsNYM Deleted 2004 No further notes

10.2.21 Transport difficulties

Block name: TDemTr

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Whole block No further notes Asked even years only 2009 No further notes
OthDif Types of journeys have transport difficulties with Deleted 2009 Replaced with OthDifN
xOthDif Other journeys have transport difficulties with Even years only 2009 No further notes
OthDifN Types of journeys have transport difficulties with Added
Even years only
Additional answer category
2009 No further notes
OthDifN Types of journeys have transport difficulties with Change to allow for up to 7 answers to be recorded 2011 No further notes
YDiff1 Difficulties getting to doctors Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
YDiff1 Difficulties getting to doctors Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff1 Difficulties getting to doctors Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
XYDiff1 Other difficulties travelling to doctors Even years only 2009 No further notes
XYDiff1 Other difficulties travelling to doctors Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
YDiffH Difficulties with getting to hospital Added
Even years only
2009 No further notes
XYDiffH Other difficulties with getting to hospital Added
Even years only
2009 No further notes
YDiff2 Difficulties visiting friends/relatives Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff2 Difficulties visiting friends/relatives Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
XYDiff2 Other difficulties visiting friends/relatives Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff3 Difficulties travelling to social activities Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff3 Difficulties travelling to social activities Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
XYDiff3 Other difficulties travelling to social activities Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff4 Difficulties getting children to school Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
YDiff4 Difficulties getting children to school Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff4 Difficulties getting children to school Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
XYDiff4 Other difficulties getting children to school Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff5 Difficulties travelling to school/college/university Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff5 Difficulties travelling to school/college/university Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
XYDiff5 Other difficulties travelling to school/college/university Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff6 Difficulties travelling for other purposes Even years only 2009 No further notes
YDiff6 Difficulties travelling for other purposes Change in wording to answer category 2022 No further notes
XYDiff6 Other difficulties travelling for other purposes Even years only 2009 No further notes

10.2.22 Road accidents - Adults

Block name: BAccid / QAccid.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
AccInt Road accidents introduction Added 2007 No further notes
AccInt Road accidents introduction Question wording changed 2008 No further notes
Accident Any accidents in last 3 years Added 2007 No further notes
Accident Any accidents in last 3 years Question wording changed 2008 No further notes
Accident Any accidents in last 3 years Question wording changed 2021 No further notes
Accident Any accidents in last 3 years Interviewer instruction added 2022 No further notes
AccDate Approximate date for road accident Added 2021 No further notes
Acc3Yr How many accidents in last 3 years Added 2007 No further notes
Acc12Mn How many accidents in last 12 months Added 2007 No further notes
Injury3 Any injuries in accidents in last 3 years Added 2007 No further notes
Injury3 Any injuries in accidents in last 3 years Question wording changed 2010 No further notes
Injury3 Any injuries in accidents in last 3 years Interviewer instruction changed 2011 No further notes
Injury3 Any injuries in accidents in last 3 years Deleted 2021 No further notes
Injury3a Any injuries in last 3 years (Split 1) Added as update to Injury3 2021 No further notes
Injury3a Any injuries in last 3 years (Split 1) Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
Injury3b Any injuries in last 3 years (Split 2) Added as update to Injury3 2021 No further notes
Cut1 Describe the cut or laceration Added 2021 No further notes
Broken1 Bone or bones fractured Added 2021 No further notes
Acc3Inj How many injuries in accidents in last 3 years Added 2007 No further notes
Acc3Inj How many injuries in accidents in last 3 years Routing change to reflect removal of Injury3 and addition of Injury3a and Injury3b 2021 No further notes
Acc12Inj How many injuries in accidents in last 12 months Added 2007 No further notes
Acc12Inj How many injuries in accidents in last 12 months Routing changed to ask if injured in last 3 yrs and in accident in last 12 months (Injury3 equal to Yes and Acc12Mn greater than 0) 2011 No further notes
AccInt2 Introduction to questions on details of accidents Added 2007 No further notes
AccInt2 Introduction to questions on details of accidents Routing updated to reflect method changes 2021 No further notes
Incident Transport at time of accident Added 2007 No further notes
Incident Transport at time of accident Routing change to reflect method changes 2021 No further notes
Incident Transport at time of accident Change in question wording and answer options 2021 No further notes
Injury Injuries sustained in accident Added 2007 No further notes
Injury Injuries sustained in accident Deleted 2021 No further notes
XInjury Other injuries sustained in accident Added 2007 No further notes
XInjury Other injuries sustained in accident Deleted 2021 No further notes
Medical Medical treatment received for injuries Added 2007 No further notes
Medical Medical treatment received for injuries Deleted 2021 No further notes
Medical1 Was medical treatment received Added 2021 No further notes
Medical2 Type of medical treatment received Added 2021 No further notes
XMedical Other medical treatment received for injuries Added 2007 No further notes
XMedical Other medical treatment received for injuries Deleted 2021 No further notes
XMedical2 Other medical treatement received for injuries Added 2021 No further notes
OthVeh Other vehicles/pedestrians involved in accident Added 2007 No further notes
OthVeh Other vehicles/pedestrians involved in accident Interviewer instruction to code all that apply added. 2009 No further notes
OthVeh Other vehicles/pedestrians involved in accident Routing updated to reflect method change 2021 No further notes
OthVeh Other vehicles/pedestrians involved in accident Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
Police Whether the police attended accident Added 2007 No further notes
Police Whether the police attended accident Answer option added 2021 No further notes
Report Whether accident was reported to the police Added 2007 No further notes

10.2.23 Road accidents - Children

Block name: BChildAcc / QChAcc.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
ChildAcc1 Introduction to child accident questions Added 2010 No further notes
ChildAcc2 Whether child in road accident in last 3 years Added 2010 No further notes
ChildAcc2 Whether child in road accident in last 3 years Question wording changed 2021 No further notes
ChildWh1 Which children in accident Added 2010 No further notes

Block name: BSubAcc / QChAcc.INC

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
CAcc3Yr Number of accidents involved in last 3 years Added 2010 No further notes
CAcc12Mn Number of accidents involved in last 12 months Added 2010 No further notes
CInjury3 Whether injured in accident in last 3 years Added 2010 No further notes
CInjury3 Whether injured in accident in last 3 years Interviewer instruction changed 2011 No further notes
CInjury3 Whether injured in accident in last 3 years Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes
CAcc3Inj Number of accidents injured in last 3 years Added 2010 No further notes
CAcc12Inj Number of accidents injured in last 12 months Added 2010 No further notes

10.2.24 Special tickets

Block name: BNoTick

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
StckT Whether has special ticket or pass Extra interviewer note added 2003 No further notes
StckT Whether has special ticket or pass Extra interviewer note added 2005 No further notes
StckT Whether has special ticket or pass Question wording changed 2009 No further notes

Block name: BTicket

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
SpecTk Type of ticket Answer categories changed 2005 No further notes
SpecTk Type of ticket Validation checks updated 2014 No further notes
SpecTk Type of ticket Answer categories modified 2015 No further notes
TkMode Transport modes covered by ticket Answer categories changed 2005 No further notes
TkMode Transport modes covered by ticket Answer category 4 changed 2013 No further notes
TkCost Cost of ticket Validation checks updated 2014 No further notes
TkTime Cost of ticket Validation checks updated 2014 No further notes
MoMls Transport modes covered by combined tickets Question wording changed 2003 No further notes

10.2.25 Long-distance journeys

Block name: TWhoLDJ / QTWhoLDJ.INC

Block name: BWhoLDJ

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
IntPlane How many times left country by plane Added 2006 No further notes
IntPlane How many times left country by plane Interviewer instruction added 2008 No further notes
AnyLDJ1 Whether made any long distance journeys in last week Question wording changed 2006 No further notes
AnyLDJ2 LDJs at pick-up Deleted 2006 No further notes

Block name: QLDJINT.INC

Block name: BLDJINT

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
LStop Reminder to complete long distance journey details later Added 2003 No further notes
LStop Reminder to complete long distance journey details later Deleted 2006 No further notes
LDJInt Long distance journey introduction Question wording changed (not recorded in technical reports):
Do you want to record NAME’s journeys now or later?
Press enter to begin recording journeys made by NAME.
2006 No further notes
LDJInt Long distance journey introduction Routing change:
Previously: routed from AnyLDJ2
In 2006: asked if AnyLDJ1 equal to 1.
2006 No further notes

Block name: TLDJQs / QTLDJQs.INC

Block name: BLDJQs

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
All Long Distance Journeys No further notes Program can now only manage a maximum of 30 long distance journeys 2009 No further notes
LDJ Long distance journey number Routing changed (not recorded in technical report):
Previously: routed from AnyLDJ2
In 2006: asked if AnyLDJ1 equal to 1.
2006 No further notes
LDJDate Long distance journey date Routing changed (not recorded in technical report):
Previously: routed from AnyLDJ2
In 2006: asked if AnyLDJ1 equal to 1.
2006 No further notes
RepJR Journey number of return journey of other person Added 2003 No further notes
Orig Place journey began Reference to show card deleted 2007 No further notes
Orig Place journey began Deleted 2007 Replaced with OrigRef
OrigRef Place journey began Added 2007 No further notes
Purpto Purpose of journey Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
PurpFro Where journey started from Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
Dest Place journey ended Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
Dest Place journey ended Reference to show card deleted 2007 No further notes
Dest Place journey ended Deleted 2007 Replaced with DestRef
DestRef Place journey ended Added 2007 No further notes
Meth95 Method for main part of journey Reference to bicycle changed to pedal cycle 2022 No further notes

10.2.26 End on individual interview

Block name: TEndInd/ QTEndInd.INC

Block name: BEndInd

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
EndInd End of individual interview Deleted 2003 No further notes

10.3 Follow-up

Block name: BFollup.INC

Block name: BFollowUp

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
FollowUp Agrees to be contacted for follow-up studies Added 2006 No further notes
FollowUp Agrees to be contacted for follow-up studies Question wording changed 2007 No further notes
FollowUp Agrees to be contacted for follow-up studies Interviewer note added 2007 No further notes
FollowUp Agrees to be contacted for follow-up studies Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
FollowUp Agrees to be contacted for follow-up studies Routing updated to reflect change in methods 2021 No further notes
Conspan Agree to follow up research through NTS panel. Added 2018 No further notes
Conspan Agree to follow up research through NTS panel. Slight wording change 2019 No further notes
Conspan Agree to follow up research through NTS panel. Slight wording change requested by NTAS Research Ethics Committee in respect of the consent details 2023 No further notes
Ttl Title Added 2007 No further notes
Ttl Title Question moved to Admin Block 2008 No further notes
ForNam First name Added 2007 No further notes
ForNam First name Question moved to Admin Block 2008 No further notes
SurNam Surname Added 2007 No further notes
SurNam Surname Question moved to Admin Block 2008 No further notes
TelNoH Telephone number Added 2007 No further notes
TelNoM Alternative telephone number Added 2007 No further notes
Email Email address Added 2015 No further notes

##Individual pick-up

Block name: TPickUp / QTPICKUP.INC

Block name: BPickUp

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
PUQn Coding methodology of pick-up interview Interviewer instructions and respondent answer codes updated 2021 No further notes
LStop1 Reminder to complete details of long distance journeys later Added 2003 No further notes
LStop1 Reminder to complete details of long distance journeys later Deleted 2006 No further notes
StckPic Any new special tickets Interviewer instructions added 2003 No further notes
StckPic Any new special tickets Interviewer instructions added 2005 No further notes
StckPic Any new special tickets Question wording changed 2006 No further notes
LicChk Whether driving licence seen/consulted Deleted 2007 No further notes
DLAge Age obtained full licence if got between placemen and pick-up interview Routing changed to be asked only if respondent has had a birthday since the placement interview 2010 No further notes
AnyLDJP Whether any long distance journeys made Deleted 2006 No further notes
Long2 Longest journey under 50 miles Deleted 2006 No further notes
LDJDisp Interviewer instruction to select session Added 2003 No further notes
LDJDisp Interviewer instruction to select session Deleted 2006 No further notes
YPDQ Whether coding playing in street now or later Interviewer instruction deleted 2003 No further notes
YPDQ Whether coding playing in street now or later Deleted 2013 No further notes
LStop2 Reminder to complete details of time spent playing in the street later Added 2003 No further notes
LStop2 Reminder to complete details of time spent playing in the street later Deleted 2013 No further notes
Instreet Whether spent time in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
Instreet Whether spent time in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
Start1 Start of first period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
Start1 Start of first period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Start1 Start of first period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
End1 End of first period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
End1 End of first period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
End1 End of first period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
Start2 Start of second period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
Start2 Start of second period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Start2 Start of second period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
End2 End of second period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
End2 End of second period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
End2 End of second period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
Start3 Start of third period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
Start3 Start of third period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Start3 Start of third period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
End3 End of third period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
End3 End of third period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
End3 End of third period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
Start4 Start of fourth period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
Start4 Start of fourth period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Start4 Start of fourth period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
End4 End of fourth period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
End4 End of fourth period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
End4 End of fourth period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
Start5 Start of fifth period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
Start5 Start of fifth period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Start5 Start of fifth period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes
End5 End of fifth period in street Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
End5 End of fifth period in street Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
End5 End of fifth period in street Deleted 2013 No further notes

10.4 Diary Data

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Method Method of travel used on a journey in the diary New codes for e-bike and e-scooter 2021 No further notes

10.5 Vehicle questionnaire

10.5.1 Registration number

Block name: BVehInt

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
LStop Reminder to complete vehicle questionnaire later Added 2003 No further notes
RegIntr Whether willing to give registration number Answer categories chnaged 2003 No further notes
RegIntr Whether willing to give registration number Helpnote added 2005 No further notes
RegIntr Whether willing to give registration number Question wording changed 2013 Change to consent
RegIntr Whether willing to give registration number Helpscreen changed 2013 No further notes
RegIntr Whether willing to give registration number Question wording changed 2022 Clarification of how information used
Personal Whether registration personalised or cherished Question moved to before VRegNo1 2010 No further notes
Personal Whether registration personalised or cherished Routing Changed to only be asked if willing to give registration number (RegIntr equal to 1) 2011 No further notes
Personal Whether registration personalised or cherished Routing changed: asked of all who give registration details (RegIntr equal to 1) 2010 No further notes
VRegNo1 Registration number Answer field changed to allow personalised number plates 2010 No further notes
** **
Whether registration number can be passed to DVLA Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
Whether registration number can be passed to DVLA Question wording changed 2010 No further notes
Whether registration number can be passed to DVLA Question wording changed 2014 No further notes
Whether registration number can be passed to DVLA Question moved to before Personal 2014 No further notes
Whether registration number can be passed to DVLA Question wording changed 2022 No further notes
RegNo Registration number Coding of non-response amended. 2014 No further notes
FuelTyp Type of fuel the engine uses Answer categories changed 2013 No further notes
FuelTyp Type of fuel the engine uses Helpscreen changed 2013 No further notes
FuelTyp Type of fuel the engine uses Interviewer note added 2013 No further notes
Leaded Whether engine uses unleaded petrol Deleted 2004 No further notes
AnMiles Approximate annual mileage Check changed 2014 No further notes

10.5.2 Vehicle details

Block name: BVMake

From 2013 routing for entire module changed. Removal of criteria “if fuel type is not electric”.

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
LogBook Whether logbook seen /consulted Deleted 2007 No further notes
LogBook2 Interviewer note to suggest respondent gets log book Added 2007 No further notes
SimReg Format of registration number Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
WhatNum Number denoting year of registration Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
TaxCl Taxation class of vehicle Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
TaxCl Taxation class of vehicle Deleted 2007 No further notes
XTaxCl Other taxation class Deleted 2007 No further notes
CarCoding Coding of car make, model and specification Routing changed 2003 No further notes
CarCoding Coding of car make, model and specification Deleted 2013 No further notes

Block name: BEngFTS

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
EnSize Engine size Routing changed 2004 No further notes
EnSize Engine size Routing changed 2007 No further notes
BEnSize Banded engine size Routing changed 2004 No further notes
BEnSize Banded engine size Routing changed 2007 No further notes
IntQust Fuel tank size to be entered in litres or gallons Delete 2012 No further notes
TankLtr Fuel tank size in litres Delete 2012 No further notes
TankGal Fuel tank size in gallons Delete 2012 No further notes

10.5.3 Parking

Block name: BPark

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
WherePk Where is car usually parked overnight Deleted 2004 No further notes
WherePk Where is car usually parked overnight Added 2007 No further notes
WherePk Where is car usually parked overnight Ask in even years only 2013 No further notes
WherePk Where is car usually parked overnight Routing changed 2013 No further notes
XWherePk Other place car is usually parked Deleted 2004 No further notes
XWherePk Other place car is usually parked Added 2007 No further notes
XWherePk Other place car is usually parked Ask in even years only 2013 No further notes
XWherePk Other place car is usually parked Routing changed 2013 No further notes
HowFar How far away from propertye is car parked Deleted 2004 No further notes
HowFar2 How many metres/yards is car parked away from property Deleted 2004 No further notes
HowFrMin Time taken to walk from property to vehicle Deleted 2004 No further notes
IfPay Any parking costs where vehicle is parked overnight Deleted 2004 No further notes
TypePay Type of payment made for parking Deleted 2004 No further notes
XTypePay Other type of payment made for parking Deleted 2004 No further notes
AnnFee Cost of annual parking fee Deleted 2004 No further notes

10.5.4 Company car

Block name: BComCar

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
HHReg Vehicle registered to household member Question wording changed 2004 No further notes
HHReg Vehicle registered to household member Delete 2013 No further notes
OthReg Whose name vehicle registered Delete 2013 No further notes
WhoOwn Who owns vehicle Delete 2013 No further notes
WhyUse Why have use of vehicle Delete 2013 No further notes
XWhyUse Other reason why have use of the vehicle Delete 2013 No further notes
VehHire Is vehicle in hire Delete 2013 No further notes
WhoHire Who has hired Delete 2013 No further notes
CostHir Costs of hiring Delete 2013 No further notes
VehCost Purchase costs Delete 2013 No further notes
ComTax95 Company car tax Delete 2013 No further notes
CapAll Capital allowances Delete 2013 No further notes
CourWk95 Use vehicle in course of work Delete 2013 No further notes
Allow95 Mileage allowance for mileage in the course of work Delete 2013 No further notes
XAllow95 Other assistance/allowance for mileage in the course of work Delete 2013 No further notes
PrivMi95 Free fuel for private mileage Delete 2013 No further notes
FTax95 Tax on free fuel for private mileage Delete 2013 No further notes

10.5.5 Mileage

Block name: BMILEAG

From 2013 routing for entire module changed. Removal of criteria “if fuel type is not electric”.

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Deliver Vehicle used to deliver goods in the course of work Deleted 2007 No further notes
HowOft How often vehicle used to deliver goods Deleted 2007 No further notes
NumTrips Number of delivery stops on most recent day vehicle used for deliveries. Deleted 2007 No further notes
OutNI Whether vehicle has been driven in Northern Ireland in last year Deleted 2006 No further notes
MileNI Number of miles driven in Northern Ireland on last trip Deleted 2006 No further notes
PurpNI Purpose of trip to Northern Ireland Deleted 2006 No further notes
NIOther Other purpose of trip to Northern Ireland Deleted 2006 No further notes
SecCyc Whether milometer is on second cycle Deleted 2020 No further notes
MiloRep Whether milometer has been replaced Deleted 2020 No further notes
SatNav Satellite navigation technology Added 2008 No further notes
SatNav Satellite navigation technology Deleted 2009 Replaced by SatNavN
SatNavN Satellite navigation technology Added 2009 No further notes
SatNavN Satellite navigation technology Change to answer categories 2018 No further notes
SatNavN Satellite navigation technology Deleted 2019 No further notes
Fuel gauge indicator ‘sticking’ at full Delete 2012 No further notes
Fuel gauge indicator is ‘empty’ when still contains fuel Delete 2012 No further notes
StikFul check Delete 2012 No further notes
Stikml chedk Delete 2012 No further notes

10.6 Vehicle pick-up interview

Block name: TVPickU

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
LStop Whether fuel gauge details are to be completed now or later Added 2003 No further notes
LStop Whether fuel gauge details are to be completed now or later Delete 2012 No further notes
FuelPds Amount paid for fuel Question wording changed 2010 No further notes
FuelPds Amount paid for fuel Delete 2012 No further notes
FuelNow Does interviewer want to complete the fuel gauge details now Delete 2012 No further notes
VFuelNow No further notes Delete 2012 No further notes
AnyFuel Any fuel entered into fuel grid on chart Delete 2012 No further notes
IntQust1 Code if amount is in litres or gallons Delete 2012 No further notes
FuelLtr Amount of fuel in litres Delete 2012 No further notes
FuelGal Amount of fuel in gallons Delete 2012 No further notes
FGauge Check first fuel gauge reading Delete 2012 No further notes
FFGRead Enter first fuel gauge reading Delete 2012 No further notes
LGauge Check last fuel gauge reading Delete 2012 No further notes
LFGRead Enter last fuel gauge reading Delete 2012 No further notes
StikFul Fuel gauge indicator ‘sticking’ at full Delete 2012 No further notes
Stikeml Fuel gauge indicator is ‘empty’ when still contains fuel Delete 2012 No further notes
StikFul2 StikFul check Delete 2012 No further notes
Stikeml2 Stikml chedk Delete 2012 No further notes

10.7 Admin block

Question Summary Details of change Changed Notes
Thank End of placement interview Additional interviewer instruction May to Oct 2009 No further notes
Givecard Discretionary incentive given Added 2018 No further notes
Givecard Discretionary incentive given Question has been removed from the survey 2020 No further notes
IncGiv Incentive given? Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
IncGivS Reminder to give vouchers Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
PUResp Intro to further contact questions Added 2005 No further notes
PUResp Intro to further contact questions Deleted 2006 No further notes
DiaryTyp How to make diary easier Added 2005 No further notes
DiaryTyp How to make diary easier Deleted 2006 No further notes
FurthCon Whether ok to contact again Added 2005 No further notes
FurthCon Whether ok to contact again Deleted 2006 No further notes
OthCntc Whether ok for another company to contact again Added 2005 No further notes
OthCntc Whether ok for another company to contact again Deleted 2006 No further notes
ConTel Telephone number Added 2005 No further notes
ConTel Telephone number Deleted 2006 No further notes
ConEmail Email Address Added 2005 No further notes
ConEmail Email Address Deleted 2006 No further notes
ConIntro Intro to further contact questions Moved from BFollup 2007 No further notes
GiveCard Gift card Deleted 2020 No further notes
Ttl Title Moved from BFollup 2007 No further notes
Ttlx Other title Moved from BFollup 2007 No further notes
ForNam Forname Moved from BFollup 2007 No further notes
Surnam Surname Moved from BFollup 2007 No further notes
Penult Introduction to diaries Additional interviewer instruction May to Oct 2009 No further notes
Penult Introduction to diaries Amend wording on screen 2013 No further notes
Penult Introduction to diaries Amend wording for short walk experiment 2016 No further notes
Penult Introduction to diaries Remove reference to day 7 and short walk experiment 2017 No further notes
Penult Introduction to diaries Interviewer instruction update to reflect changes in methodology 2021 No further notes
Penult Introduction to diaries Example text for interviewers to use to introduce travel diary 2022 No further notes
PenultCh Colour of diaries for short walk experiment Added 2016 No further notes
PenultCh Colour of diaries for short walk experiment Deleted 2017 No further notes
MobNumOK Agreement to text reminder Added 2017 No further notes
MobNumOK Agreement to text reminder Updated wording of the question 2020 No further notes
MobNum Mobile phone number Added 2017 No further notes
DialRem Reminder interviewer to dial in Added 2017 No further notes
Dialdone End of text reminder questions Added 2017 No further notes
SCompOC Completion of the self completion booklet Deleted 2017 No further notes
SCAcc Assistance in completing the booklet Deleted 2017 No further notes
SCReas Reason for not complete booklet Deleted 2017 No further notes
AnyCom Whether want to ask open question Added 2004 No further notes
AnyComx Open Question Added 2004 No further notes
AnyComx Open Question Question wording changed 2009 No further notes
Penult2 Placing LDJ cards Deleted 2006 No further notes
Penult3 Reminder to place fuel and mileage chart Interviewer note added 2010 No further notes
Penult3 Reminder to place fuel and mileage chart Question text changed 2012 No further notes
Penult3 Reminder to place fuel and mileage chart Interviewer instruction removed 2013 No further notes
Penult4 Time to explain diaries Question text changed 2003 No further notes
Penult4 Time to explain diaries Interviewer instruction update to reflect changes in methodology 2021 No further notes
Penult4 Time to explain diaries Interviewer instruction update to reflect changes in methodology 2022 No further notes
Penult5 Time to check diaries Interviewer instruction update to reflect changes in methodology 2021 No further notes
ModePref Whether would have preferred to complete travel diary online or on paper Added 2016 No further notes
ModePref Whether would have preferred to complete travel diary online or on paper Deleted 2022 No further notes
NoPU Why did not do pick up interview Added 2003 No further notes
FindDU Number of DUs at HH Added 2008 No further notes
DUCode Selected DU Added 2008 No further notes
FindHH Number of HHs at DU Question wording changed
Interviewer instruction changed
2008 No further notes
HHSel How many HHs selected for interview Question wording changed 2008 No further notes
HHSel How many HHs selected for interview Deleted 2009 No further notes
HHCode Household selected Added 2009 No further notes
Diary Whether collected diaries Interviewer instruction added 2003 No further notes
Whofill Who filled in the diaries Routing changed

Answer categories changed

No further notes
DaysInt Days interviewer helped with in diary Added 2003 No further notes
Holiday Whether they were abroad for travel week Added 2007 No further notes
Holiday Whether they were abroad for travel week Deleted Mid 2008 No further notes
BlnkDry Whether respondent had a completely blank travel diary Added Mid 2008 No further notes
BlnkDry Whether respondent had a completely blank travel diary Routing changed to be asked if diary coded as fully completed 2010 No further notes
BlnkDry Whether respondent had a completely blank travel diary Question wording changed 2010 No further notes
BlnkWhy Why travel record was completely blank Added Mid 2008 No further notes
BlnkWhy Why travel record was completely blank Answer category added
“5. Did not go out at all (but not due to illness/disability)”
2010 No further notes
BlnkWhy Why travel record was completely blank Answer category reworded 2011 No further notes
BlnkWhy Why travel record was completely blank Answer categories changed to reflect change in mode 2021 No further notes
CasiProb Whether respondent experience problems with CASI Added 2017 No further notes
CasiPrWh Type of problems experienced with CASI Added 2017 No further notes
SCColl Self completion booklet collection Deleted 2017 No further notes
SCComPr Self completion booklet collected at placement Deleted 2017 No further notes
SCProb Issue with placement or collection of the self completion booklet Deleted 2017 No further notes
SCProbW Description issues with self completion booklet Deleted 2017 No further notes
VoucGive Whether Voucher given Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
VoucGive Whether Voucher given Deleted 2013 No further notes
VoucRec Voucher receipt signed and given Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
VoucRec Voucher receipt signed and given Deleted 2013 No further notes
Promise Whether promissory note left Additional interviewer instruction May to Oct 2009 No further notes
Promise Whether promissory note left Deleted 2013 No further notes
PromOp Comments on incentives Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
NoProm Why not left promissory note Deleted May to Oct 2009 No further notes
NoProm Why not left promissory note Deleted 2013 No further notes
GCNow Issue gift cards now or later Added 2013 No further notes
HDiaryPU Whether have picked up a diary for every member of household Added 2013 No further notes
IntroGC Intro to gift card section and number of gift cards needed for household Added 2013 No further notes
GiftI Instructions for interviewer Added 2013 No further notes
GiftNX Enter gift card serial number Added 2013 No further notes
Unoutcheck Check that outcome entered is correct Added 2005 No further notes
WhichL Language spoken Added 2009 No further notes
XWhichL Other language spoken Added 2009 No further notes
Willing Willingness to give telephone number Added 2009 No further notes
LanguageN Telephone number for bilingual interview Added 2009 No further notes
Translate Whether translator used Added 2009 No further notes
ARFB3 Reason for using outcome code 690 or 790 Added 2008 No further notes
ARFB3 Reason for using outcome code 690 or 790 Deleted 2009 No further notes
WhyInel Reason for using outcome code 690 or 790 Added 2009 No further notes
ARFQ3 Was information refused Deleted 2005 No further notes
ARFQ11 Was refusal in proxy Deleted 2005 No further notes
NoDiary Why diaries not completed Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
XNoDiary Other reasons why diaries not completed Added May to Oct 2009 No further notes
CallPlac Number of calls up to Diary Placement Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
PractDia Whether completed practice page Added 2008 No further notes
PracNo Why did not completed practice page Added 2008 No further notes
F2FPhone Confirmation of how interview was complete (face-to-face or phone) Added 2022 No further notes
RefQs If respondent answered refusal questionnaire Added 2018 No further notes
RefQs If respondent answered refusal questionnaire Routing changed 2021 No further notes
E2 Tenure type, whether accommodation is owned or rented. Added 2018 No further notes
E3 Whether someone in household has use of a car. Added 2018 No further notes
E4 Number of adults in household Added 2018 No further notes
ObsDone Filled in observation details on ARF Rotuing change 2021 No further notes
ConName Contact name from ARF Added 2004 No further notes
NRdone Whether non-response details done Deleted 2007 No further notes
Obs1 What kind of accommodation Question wording changed. Routing changed 2004 No further notes
Obs1 What kind of accommodation Routing changed 2005 No further notes
Obs1 What kind of accommodation Deleted 2009 No further notes
Obs2 Car in drive Question wording changed. Routing changed 2004 No further notes
Obs2 Car in drive Routing changed 2005 No further notes
Obs2 Car in drive Deleted 2009 No further notes
Obs3 Garage or carport Routing changed 2004 No further notes
Obs3 Garage or carport Routing changed 2005 No further notes
Obs3 Garage or carport Deleted 2009 No further notes
Obs4 Condition of area Added 2005 No further notes
Obs4 Condition of area Deleted 2009 No further notes
Obs5 Condition of house Added 2005 No further notes
Obs5 Condition of house Deleted 2009 No further notes
Obs6 Physical barriers Added 2005 No further notes
Obs6 Physical barriers Deleted 2009 No further notes
A2 Physical barriers Added 2009 No further notes
A3 What kind of accommodation Added 2009 No further notes
A4 Car in drive Added 2009 No further notes
A5 Garage or carport Added 2009 No further notes
A6 Condition of area Added 2009 No further notes
A7 Condition of house Added 2009 No further notes
NR1 How many cars owned by house Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR2 Whether HRP did work in last week Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR3 How HRP travels to work Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR4 Whether left house yesterday Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR5 How many times left house yesterday Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR6 Day of week yesterday Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR7 Number of people in house Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR8 Number of people 17 or over in house Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR9m Number of men aged 17 or over Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR9w Number of women aged 17 or over Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR10 Gender of respondent Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR11 Relationship to main householder Deleted 2007 No further notes
NR12 HRP’s gender Deleted 2007 No further notes
Remcall Whether made reminder call Answer category added 2003 No further notes
Remtime Length of reminder call Question wording changed 2003 No further notes
SA1RNC Any reason why address should not be recontacted Deleted 2005 No further notes
SA2RNC Why address should not be recontacted Deleted 2005 No further notes
SACNwho Who is main contact Added 2005 No further notes
SARInt Title of main contact Added 2005 No further notes
SACNtxt Other title Added 2005 No further notes
SACNfor Forname of main contact Added 2005 No further notes
SACNSur Surname of main contact Added 2005 No further notes

All travel diary changes since 2002 The table below outlines the changes that have been made to the diaries since 2002.

Survey year Details of change:
Adult travel diary
Details of change:
Young person travel diary
2003 to 2004 DTLR logo removed from front cover and replaced with DfT logo. DTLR logo removed from front cover and replaced with DfT logo.
2003 to 2004 NatCen logo updated. NatCen logo updated.
2003 to 2004 Box added on front cover for check letter. Box added on front cover for check letter.
2003 to 2004 Column added (column P) for Road/Congestion charges. Boxes for start date and finish date added to front cover.
2003 to 2004 Changes to examples. Additional box for date of second interviewer call added to front cover.
2003 to 2004 Column G updated to only collect “Distance in miles” rather than “Distance in miles or yards”. Column G updated to only collect “Distance in miles” rather than “Distance in miles or yards”.
2003 to 2004 Box added to recording day pages for date. Removal of notes column – this was replaced with a box for notes at the bottom of the page.
2003 to 2004 Note added to the bottom of the recording pages explaining that “After day 7 there is space for extra journeys”. Box added to recording day pages for date.
2003 to 2004 No further notes Additional instructions included on recording day pages about shopping trips.
2003 to 2004 No further notes Additional note added to remind respondents to record short walks on day 7.
2003 to 2004 No further notes Note added to the bottom of the recording pages explaining that “After day 7 there is space for extra journeys”.
2005 No changes. No changes.
2006 Blank example page with instructions in flaps added. Blank example page with instructions in flaps added.
2006 Instructions state to record distance in miles or metres rather than miles and yards. Instructions state to record distance in miles or metres rather than miles and yards.
2007 Visual redesign of front and back cover. Visual redesign of front and back cover.
2007 Key points to remember removed from front page and included on front of inside cover flaps. Key points to remember removed from front page and included on front of inside cover flaps.
2007 Thank you included on front cover. Thank you included on front cover.
2007 Notes pages reworded following column heading changes. Key changes were:
• removal of instruction about how to record journeys where departure was before midnight and return was after midnight;
• more detailed instructions about recording place name;
• instruction about stages of journey included in method of travel;
• respondents asked to tick ‘nil’ if they didn’t pay anything for parking or road tolls/congestion charges;
• ticket types updated;
• respondents asked to write “exempt” if exempt from public transport or taxi charges;
• instruction added about recording shares of taxi costs.
Notes pages reworded following column heading changes. Key changes were:
• removal of instruction about how to record journeys where departure was before midnight and return was after midnight;
• more detailed instructions about recording place name;
• instruction about stages of journey included in method of travel;
• ticket types updated; instruction added about recording shares of taxi costs.
2007 Redesign of inside pages – inclusion of picture icons. Specific details of design changes outlined below. Redesign of inside pages – inclusion of picture icons. Specific details of design changes outlined below.
2007 Instruction added to record each journey using a separate row and to record return journeys. Instruction added to record each journey using a separate row and to record return journeys.
2007 Six rows rather than seven per page for recording journeys. Six rows rather than seven per page for recording journeys.
2007 Column heading wording was amended to be asked as questions. Column heading wording was amended to be asked as questions.
2007 Changes to column order.
The time spent travelling column was reversed with the number in the party column.
The car columns (M, N, O and P) in 2006 became columns J, K, L and M in 2007.
The public transport columns (J, K and L in 2006) became columns N, O and P in 2007.
Changes to column order.
The time spent travelling column was reversed with the number in the party column.
The car column (M in 2006) became column J in 2007.
The public transport columns (J, K and L in 2006) became columns K, L and M in 2007.
2007 Column B contained tick boxes for am/pm rather than circling am/pm The number of people travelling column was split into “Adults” and “Children”.
2007 A tick box for “Home” was added to column D and E. Passenger type column removed.
2007 An instruction for columns F to Q was added explaining that these columns are for entering details of each stage of the journey. Column B contained tick boxes for am/pm rather than circling am/pm
2007 In column K, tick boxes were added to for “D” (driver) or “P” (passenger). A tick box for “Home” was added to column D and E.
2007 A “Nil” tick box was added to column L and M if there were no charges for parking or congestion/toll charges. An instruction for columns F to N was added explaining that these columns are for entering details of each stage of the journey.
2007 A “Nil” box was added to column O for journeys covered by a season ticket. A “Nil” box was added to column for journeys covered by a season ticket.
2007 A new column was added (Q) to record the share of a taxi cost, if applicable. A new column was added (N) to record the share of a taxi cost, if applicable.
2007 Example page updated with new examples. Example page updated with new examples.
2007 Practice page included at the end of the diary. Practice page included at the end of the diary.
2007 Centrefold moved to fall before number of people travelling. Centrefold moved to fall before time spent travelling.
2007 Six slots per page rather than eight for recording extra journeys. Six slots per page rather than eight for recording extra journeys.
2007 More space on day 7 in the “Where did you go” column for city and postcode. More space on day 7 in the “Where did you go” column for city and postcode.
2008 Seven rows rather than six per page for recording journeys. Seven rows rather than six per page for recording journeys.
2008 Colons added to time left and time arrived boxes Colons added to time left and time arrived boxes
2008 14 rows rather than 12 for day 7. 14 rows rather than 12 for day 7.
2009 No changes. No changes.
2010 No changes. No changes.
2011 No changes. No changes.
2012 NatCen logo updated. NatCen logo updated.
2013 Redesign of front cover. Redesign of front cover.
2013 DfT logo updated. DfT logo updated.
2013 Examples updated. Examples updated.
2013 Practice page amalgamated with example page – columns rather than a whole practice page. Practice page amalgamated with example page – columns rather than a whole practice page.
2013 Road tolls/congestion charge column (M in 2012) removed. Taxi cost column (Q in 2012) removed.
2013 Taxi cost column (Q in 2012) removed. Where travelling to column made slightly wider.
2013 Where travelling to column made slightly wider.
2014 Reminder for mileage chart added to day 1 and day 7 pages. No changes.
2016 Two versions of the travel diaries used; one where short walks are recorded on day 1 and another where short walks are recorded on day 7. Two versions of the travel diaries used; one where short walks are recorded on day 1 and another where short walks are recorded on day 7.
2017 Only one version of the travel diary with short walks recorded on day 1 only.
The mention ‘Day 1’ on the corresponding page is highlighted in orange.
Only one version of the travel diary where short walks are recorded on day 1 only.
The mention ‘Day 1’ on the corresponding page is highlighted in orange.