Chapter 27 Appendix P: Calibration weighting control totals: interview sample

This table contains the statistical parameters of a logistic regression model used to model non-present adults. More details can be found in Chapter 5 - Weighting

Some shorthand is used in this table: [x] denotes no data present.

Calibration variables Calibration categories Beta coefficient (B) Standard error (S.E) Wald test statistic Degrees of freedom (df) Significance (Sig.) Odds ratio (Exp(B))
Age by gender [x] [x] [x] 169.351 15 less than 0.001 [x]
Age by gender Males 16 to 20 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Age by gender Males 21 to 29 0.500 0.139 12.840 1 less than 0.001 1.648
Age by gender Males 30 to 39 0.529 0.145 13.227 1 less than 0.001 1.697
Age by gender Males 40 to 49 0.609 0.149 16.654 1 less than 0.001 1.838
Age by gender Males 50 to 59 0.698 0.150 21.756 1 less than 0.001 2.010
Age by gender Males 60 to 64 0.885 0.175 25.482 1 less than 0.001 2.422
Age by gender Males 65 to 69 1.179 0.196 36.031 1 less than 0.001 3.251
Age by gender Males 70 and over 1.227 0.174 49.543 1 less than 0.001 3.412
Age by gender Females 16 to 20 -0.160 0.165 0.937 1 0.333 0.852
Age by gender Females 21 to 29 0.504 0.142 12.604 1 less than 0.001 1.655
Age by gender Females 30 to 39 0.920 0.147 39.417 1 less than 0.001 2.509
Age by gender Females 40 to 49 1.191 0.149 64.259 1 less than 0.001 3.290
Age by gender Females 50 to 59 1.096 0.150 53.379 1 less than 0.001 2.991
Age by gender Females 60 to 64 0.917 0.178 26.385 1 less than 0.001 2.501
Age by gender Females 65 to 69 0.955 0.195 23.932 1 less than 0.001 2.599
Age by gender Females 70 and over 0.716 0.170 17.844 1 less than 0.001 2.046
Region [x] [x] [x] 121.420 8 less than 0.001 [x]
Region North East [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Region North West 0.070 0.116 0.366 1 0.545 1.072
Region Yorks And Humber -0.055 0.120 0.211 1 0.646 0.946
Region East Midlands 0.356 0.124 8.176 1 0.004 1.427
Region West Midlands 0.658 0.122 29.254 1 0.000 1.930
Region East Of England 0.068 0.117 0.336 1 0.562 1.070
Region London -0.238 0.114 4.335 1 0.037 0.788
Region South East 0.024 0.112 0.045 1 0.833 1.024
Region South West -0.007 0.119 0.004 1 0.952 0.993
Number of adults [x] [x] [x] 43.341 2 less than 0.001 [x]
Number of adults Two [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Number of adults Three -0.297 0.072 17.165 1 less than 0.001 0.743
Number of adults Four or more -0.556 0.087 41.039 1 less than 0.001 0.573
Household size [x] [x] [x] 31.112 3 less than 0.001 [x]
Household size Two [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Household size Three -0.287 0.073 15.508 1 less than 0.001 0.751
Household size Four -0.357 0.076 22.202 1 less than 0.001 0.700
Household size Five or more -0.488 0.095 26.516 1 less than 0.001 0.614
Tenure [x] [x] [x] 17.741 1 less than 0.001 [x]
Tenure Not owner occupier [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Tenure Owner occupier 0.212 0.050 17.741 1 less than 0.001 1.236
Income [x] [x] [x] 218.920 5 less than 0.001 [x]
Income Less than £14,999 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Income £15,000 to £24,999 -0.208 0.076 7.421 1 0.006 0.812
Income £25,000 to £34,999 -0.164 0.081 4.114 1 0.043 0.849
Income £35,000 to £49,999 -0.120 0.085 1.982 1 0.159 0.887
Income £50,000 and over 0.053 0.086 0.387 1 0.534 1.055
Income Missing -0.781 0.064 149.576 1 less than 0.001 0.458
Marital status [x] [x] [x] 113.579 3 less than 0.001 [x]
Marital status Married [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Marital status Cohabiting -0.086 0.066 1.719 1 0.190 0.917
Marital status Single -0.709 0.074 90.742 1 less than 0.001 0.492
Marital status Widowed, divorced, separated 0.451 0.129 12.233 1 less than 0.001 1.570
Economic status [x] [x] [x] 70.898 3 less than 0.001 [x]
Economic status Employees [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Economic status Self-employed 0.018 0.078 0.053 1 0.818 1.018
Economic status Unemployed 0.907 0.183 24.662 1 less than 0.001 2.478
Economic status Inactive 0.462 0.063 53.393 1 less than 0.001 1.587
Disability [x] [x] [x] 6.566 1 0.010 [x]
Disability Yes [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Disability No -0.139 0.054 6.566 1 0.010 0.871
Ethnicity [x] [x] [x] 4.110 1 0.043 [x]
Ethnicity White [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] 1
Ethnicity Non-White -0.122 0.060 4.110 1 0.043 0.885
Intercept [x] 0.378 0.185 4.169 1 0.041 1.460