Chapter 17 Appendix G: Mileage chart

The milage chart is used to record the start and end milometer readings of a household vehicle captured in the survey of a household. Every vehicle in a household will have its own mileage chart.

At the end of this appendix is a PDF of a scanned mileage chart.

17.1 Accessible text version

Area [space for interviewer to write area number]
Add [space for interviewer to write address number]
Hhld [space for interviewer to write household number]
Veh [space for interviewer to write Vehicle number]

National Travel Survey – Mileage Chart

Please record your milometer reading at the start and end of your travel record week.

Vehicle make and model
[space to write in]

Start date
[space to write in date and day of the week] e.g. Mon 03/01/2024
Milometer [space to write in mileage] Miles/Kilometres (delete one)

End date [space to write in date and day of the week] e.g. Sun 09/01/2024
Milometer [space to write in mileage] Miles/Kilometres (delete one)

Please complete the following, where possible, if you were unable to provide the information at the time of the interview:

Reg year [space to write in year of registration]
Reg month [space to write in month of registration]
Vehicle engine size (1 litre = 1,000 cc) [space to write in engine size]

National Centre for Social Research, Unit 15 Ashton Gate, Ashton Road, Romford, Essex, RM3 8UF

Information Classification Level 3 – Respondent – Confidential

17.2 Embedded PDF of the original mileage chart