Notebooks (.ipynb)

Notebooks are great for conduction exploratory analysis and keeping notes, but they do introduce some problems - particularly when maintaining project structure, sensible imports, and version control.

Also refer to Python guidance.


One problem with notebooks is they encourage bad importing practice. It might be tempting to do something like this:

# ipython notebook:
y = my_function(x)

This should be avoided, as it is akin to from my_notebook_of_handy_functions import *, which doesn't give the reader of the code much of a clue where the functions are located. It is generally considered best practice to declare explicit imports at the top of the file, with one line per module:

from os import environ
# for multiple functions you can use commas
from numpy import sqrt, correlate, pi
# for very long imports use a tuple
from numpy import (apply_along_axis, arange, argsort, correlate, cos,
                   diagonal, pi, sqrt, tan, tile)
# or use the module.function syntax if you're using a lot of functions
# (note that import that both approaches are computationally identical)
import numpy

Version control

Notebooks do not lend themselves well to version control - because of their verbose file structure that contains lots of information in addition to the code - makes git diff or pull requests difficult to interpret. To prevent this from causing difficulties, I'd suggest taking one or both of the following steps:

  1. Use nbstripout to remove .ipynb output

    One of the main reasons commits from ​notebooks are so verbose is that they contain the output of the code. This can often change lots for a small change in code, making large git diffs. nbstripout remove the output from the notebook before it is sent to GitHub (i.e. a git filter). To set it up:

    pip install -U nbstripout
    cd $local_git_repo
    nbstripout --install --attributes .gitattributes
  2. Use a custom pre-commit hook to generate .py files Git hooks let you run scripts at certain times during the git process. You can use the following script to generate two version of the code for the repo: one containing only the code (great for git diff) and a rendered version for viewing.

    To create a pre-commit git hook, that generates a .py and .html file for each .ipynb, create the file repo/.git/hooks/pre-commit (note the file has no extension) containing:

    ## Convert all .ipynb files to .py and .html versions for git
    files=` git diff --cached --name-only | grep 'ipynb' | grep -v '.ipynb_checkpoints'`
    # Don't treat spaces as a new file
    for f in $files; do
        echo $f
        # Get dirnames and create them
        newdir=`dirname "$f"`
        mkdir -p "nb_src/$newdir"
        mkdir -p "nb_render/$newdir"
        # Convert to .py and .html
        jupyter nbconvert --to script "$f" --stdout > "$pyfile"
        jupyter nbconvert --to html "$f" --stdout > "$htmlfile"
        # Add it back to index
        git add "$pyfile"
        git add "$htmlfile"
    # Reset spaces

    Note: The generated .py and .html files will be committed but are not present in the git diff message presented in the terminal. This is a bug in git as the diff message is generated before the pre-commit script fires.

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